Now Biopsy scheduled
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Hi everyone and Happy Holidays to you all! I'm a mess today, saw my Rheum yesterday, last week I was getting some scalp pain and they immediately put me up to 60 mil of pred from the 10 mil I had been at for two months. Yesterday Dr said he wanted a biopsy like immediately but couldnt do it while on the high dose of pred so had me start decreasing today by 10 mil, staying there for four days, decrease again by 10 and staying for 4 days and continuing this until Im back down to the 10 mil. I was only at the 60 mil for 6 days. He also contacted the surgeon, and told me that should I get any flare or scalp pain during this taper to immediately go right back up to the 60 mil, go to the lab with the script for my blood work and then if no flare the biopsy will be within a week or so as soon as they can get it scheduled. Im so confused and scared at same time because he told me I would need general anesthesia, Im reading where it says a local is all thats required and he said no. Im wondering why hes not keeping me at the 60 mil longer, he said if biopsy is positive then I will be on the higher dose for much longer but that he needs me down to lwest to do it. Please any advice here on what to expect? Thanks again and I sincerely wish each and every one here the Healthiest New Year & merriest holiday season!
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EileenH sharon35553
I don't know - I don't know anyone who has had a general anaesthetic for a TAB but I do know the US tends to dance to its own tune!
Although being on a high dose of pred can interfere with the results, the top experts say that there are traces of the inflammation to be found for up to 3 weeks even on high doses of pred so don't worry if the symptoms return as you reduce, In the Uk there are some centres who run a fast-track service to do biopsies the same week.
However - I'll leave to people who have had one done to tell you about it.
Anhaga sharon35553
Lizfor sharon35553
There's no need to be scared, Sharon, really. I had a biopsy at the beginning of December and I wrote on this forum,
'Just got back from the hospital after the biopsy. Not anything like the ordeal I expected. Very switched on and professional doctor, explained everything as he went along, with just enough chit-chat to provide a distraction. So far no pain apart from the initial pricks from the anesthetic going in and that was a lot less than at the dentist. He did say the biopsy might reveal nothing which is somewhat confusing.'
I had been on 60mg prednisolone for 9 days and there was no need to taper. I am in the UK. I think he may have got things wrong especially as he thinks you need to taper and have general anesthetic unless of course you are so wound up that he thinks it would be less hard on you.
If you can cope with the dentist (I just grit my teeth as its going in 😬 ) you can definitely cope with this, it sounds scarey but it isn't. When the anesthetic wore off, paracetamol was all I needed to keep the pain at bay but I didnt sleep with that side on the pillow for over a week. The small area of hair they shaved is growing back well and is unnoticable under my longer hair.
You will be fine.🙂
sharon35553 Lizfor
Hi Lizfor and thank you so much for your reply. I'm trying to remain calm and taking each day one at a time until next week. I guess iving in the US they have their own way of dealing with this so I'm at their mercy and can only hope for the best. The body goes through so much change when they consistantly change the dose like this and it makes me so tense and moody. Have a happy holiday!
robby6859 sharon35553
Hi Sharon, I had a biopsy at the first of October and the Dr. did it under general anesthesia. I had been on pred. For a month but only on 60mg for a week. I didn't question why a general, rather than a local because I was grateful to go under and not be awake while they cut on my face. i think it is the surgeons preference and probably has something to do with insurance here in the US, they can charge more. Just my take.
Anhaga robby6859
sharon35553 robby6859
Happy holidays!
sharon35553 Anhaga
Hi Anhaga,
I'd definitely rather not kniow whats going on, I dont need to be told I just want it done and over with and for it to be painless so if thats what it takes the so be it! Yes I'm a baby and while I have a high tolerance for pain when it comes to cutting I'd rather not be aware.
Happy holidays!
Anhaga sharon35553
Actually, I was referring to the doctors' apparent preference, not yours. Apologies. I'm the reverse. I had to have a couple of teeth out at separate times when I was very young (around four or five) and later my tonsils out, and each time the going under the anaesthetic was a horrifically frightening experience. So when I had to have a biopsy (lymph node in neck, turned out to be sarcoidosis) and was told it would be under a general, I asked if it could be done with a local. This is what was done. They did, however, drop a cloth of some sort over my face so I wouldn't contaminate my own wound, and that kind of freaked me out. It also turned out it was a teaching expoerience - no one had asked my permission, but the operating room was ringed with med students. I guess I was getting the best for the procedure as the instructor was demonstrating it. Anyway, I saw one young man near me and asked if he would hold my hand, and this he did. I've always thought I must have made him a better doctor. At the end, when all the fancy stitching had been done, and I released his hand and thanked him, he didn't want to let go!
elizabeth20640 sharon35553
Hi Sharon Ye I had a positive biopsy, that was coming up to 2 years, guy held my hand all way through, ( that was best part of it😄 ) Can't say I felt anything I was too distracted with guy holding my hand, long time since someone held my hand,
And they talk you through it, so don't worry, but I had local anesthetic, happy Christmas to everyone and let's hope we all have a pain free 2017 X
sharon35553 elizabeth20640
Hi Elizabeth and a very Happy Holiday & healthy 2017 to you & your family. I'm so stressed out because my Dr is advising a general not a local, claiming that some biopsies require more intailed cutting or there may be a bit more bleeding than expected so maybe he's being overly cautious. Either way you were lucky to have someone hold your hand through it, hopefully I"ll get lucky too! Lol.
Thanks for your reply,
elizabeth20640 sharon35553
Hi let me know how you get on. You see I was in hospital, I had been admitted and biopsy was done next day so didn't have time to think about it. Don't worry it's very quick, could you not ask for local anesthetic , enjoy Christmas x