Now what Acne!
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becky53379 maureen12052
Yes acne lol! Its not really funny but if we dont laugh we will cry! I have the same thing happening to me.....Im assuming it is normal in peri because I didnt have acne before this either. Hormones going crazy! Hang in there! One day we will get through this
Take care!
2chr2015 maureen12052
I have been getting acne too but it's different than the occasional pimple I used to get. This is more like tiny pimples on top of my nose and along the sides. It's weird
maureen12052 2chr2015
That's exactly where they are! Omg 😲 when will this end!😐
2chr2015 maureen12052
That is too funny. And if it is because of low progesterone then I wonder if my breasts will hurt at the same time? 🙄
MoodyNoire maureen12052
Yes, unfortunately it happens....I believe it's caused by low progesterone.
cheryl1970 maureen12052
Me too,
I have the wrinkles of a 45 year old and the spots of a 14 year old 😩x
anna42582 maureen12052
Hi Maureen
I've just turned 52 and yes, I have got the acne bug too... not just on my face but a few on my breasts, on the backs of my arms and even found some on my legs and stomach..... I never had had acne as a teenager, obviously my peri is making up for lost time lol