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Hi am now day 8 post op tkr and from about 3 inches below my knee to 3 inches above my knee is really hard and feels really strange I suppose the only way I can describe it is numb. I am walking really well and have an 80 -90 degree bend is this normal?

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Perfectly normal and will last for months.

    I am 12 weeks post op and, although some numbness has gone, the area to the side of my knee is still completely numb.

  • Posted

    Hi Joanne, sounds quite normal to me. There is a lot of numbness and tightness following this op. I am 8 weeks post op and have still got a hard area on the outside of my knee, part of which is numb. Apparently this is very common and the numbness can diminish but might never go away. It's early days for you so I think what you're experiencing is ok. Try to keep up your exercises as this is the only way to loosen things up. It takes a long time though. I know I still have some way to go. This site is great to compare symptoms though. Good luck with your recovery.

    Jen x

  • Posted

    Hi Joanne. I've now had both knees done and had the numbness and hardness both times. It's gradually going away on my first knee but its still there. I've still got it on the second knee. My surgeon says the numbness is to do with cutting through nerves and it may never completely go. I think the hardness must be to do with different bits of metal and plastic in slightly different places! I had my last op at about the same time as you. My bend is slightly more but I have more weakness in that leg than I had in the other at this stage. I'm quite happy with it tho. I'll see if my surgeon is happy tomorrow! Good luck with everything. Ann
  • Posted

    Thanks ladies just wanted to check. It just feels really weird like the bottom of my lag and top are mine but the knee isn't. I know that sounds strange and hope it makes sense
    • Posted

      Perfect sense.  I call it my 'alien knee' as it doesn't feel like it belongs to me yet.

      My Physio tells me it can take up to a year!  What fun.

    • Posted

      Thanks Lynn I was beginning to think I was going mad explaining things to my sister but now i know I'm sane x

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