NUMBNESS AND MENOPAUSE...listed as one of 4 top complaints in a Study

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A study done in Japan of 2,886 women age 40 - 69; has provided a list of the top complaints:

1. 50% of the population complained of aching/painful joints, weakness and headaches

2. one third complained of night sweats, cold hands and feet, nervousness and anxiety. 

3. One in five complained of hot flushes, NUMBNESS, early waking and sleeplessness.

'shortness of breath, anxiety, dizziness and palpitations, irritability, formication increased in  perimenopausal women'


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4 Replies

  • Posted

    For sure! I feel all this and more! I do have quite a bit of numbness...
    • Posted

      Me too? My finger tips mostly. It’s intermittent but disconcerting!

      On top of everything else going on-what a joy Peri meno is 😬

      Hope you are coping ok and isn’t this forum fab!! So many ladies going through the same and it’s really helpful to be part of such a great group xx

    • Posted

      Hi Louise, yes I can't believe all the crazy symptoms I have.. At first I indeed thought wow I must be dying here! And sometimes still do to be honest when anxiety hits, but for the most part these symptoms truly come and go like clockwork every single month, and I just keep telling myself , if it were something that I was going to die from, then I'm sure i would have by now right?? This forum is the best, ill never forget the day I googled my symptoms of dizziness I started having and came across this forum. And I've been here every day since.. Makes you feel less alone!

  • Posted

    Hi Finney - Thank you for all your research - I thought Japanese woman didn’t suffer from menopause because of their diet?  I guess it’s universal - the numbness/burning/anxiety & shortness of breath are my worst symptoms, at least it’s comforting to know a study recognizes it - 🤗

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