numbness & tingling leg ,upate.. MRI...
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ive had numbness and tingling in left leg for about 11 weeks now,
have had blood tests, all clear,
Nerve conduction test came back clear too..
now dr is sending me for an MRI scan as thinks could possibly be my back?
even though i have now back pain as such..
my leg still goes completly numb at times, toes strange tingly and right hand gets pins needles occasionally too
i am a bit nervous about this as not too keen on closed in spaces...
any tips?
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doreen17521 justme67
justme67 doreen17521
will prob take ages for appt to come..
so will try put it too back of my mind for now
will update when i have it
dorothy90221 justme67
don't worry about scan but hang on until they finish if you can. Just concentrate on a recipe or shopping list or so ethi g to distract t you or count slowly ))
justme67 dorothy90221
dorothy90221 justme67
How long does it take to get an appointment through? anyone know?