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OK, i have really had it!!! i have felt so yucky the last couple of days, intense fog brain, horrible indigestion, burning body parts, pressure headache, anxious, nauseous, palps, flushing, extreme achy legs where i can barely walk & now today i experienced the bottom of my left foot going numb as i was walking - now my anxiety is going crazy - has anyone experienced this just in one foot? i have had the tingling/burning on tops of my feet, but never the bottom & never one foot - i just want to cry, i really dont know how much more i can keep dealing with this -
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mel11237 debra16694
hi all, I'm having this trouble too, even as i write this message . i get all these symptoms but in my head neck ears and face on my right hand side. feel very shaky and dizzy. ive had breast cancer so i worry its cancer related so that doesn't help my anxiety. Im not sure what to try any more.... Stay strong ladies. xx
debra16694 mel11237
hi meli - well, according to all these woman on this forum, i can say its probably safe to say its hormones, but i still totally understand your concern and anxiety over it - Best to do everything to stay calm. Be well.
shylee debra16694
Hi Debra,
I'm sorry you're going through so much too, it really is bloody awful. The numbness i get is the left arm and left side of my face and head with burning skin. I take Carbamazepine for that and it works for me keeping it at bay, i do however get some break through burning on the top of my left foot. I am on HRT, Carbamazepine, Duloxatine, Metzapine (sorry re spelling) and normal pain relief (Panadeine forte) for breakthrough pain...
It is in no way 100% but it has put a bandaid over enough of the pain for me to have some quality of life, before i had none at all. I resisted all medications for as long as i could but it got all too much.
The medications i'm on work in combination, reduce one certain pain comes back reduce another the other things come back and so on, cabamazepine makes HRT less effective and unfortunately i have to survive through a dose of the symptoms because my brain cant handle the higher dose of HRT.... Its a balancing act.
Do you take anything?
debra16694 shylee
hu Shylee - Thank you for your response - No, unfortunately, i really dont tolerate Rx's very well...i could never handle even low dose birth control pills & even though i was begging to be put on some kind of HRT (at my lowest point) i was told i was too old to be put on HRT Because i am 62, 7 years post - i just take magnesium, D, Stress VIitamin B & a probiotic. i was put on a horrible B/P RX where i had a horrible time, so i am very gun shy to RX's because all come with side effects. The liver has a lot to do during menopause with all the fluctuating hormones & i worry about impacting it with more RX's and supplements, but thank you for your suggestion -,