nutri b
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morning ladies, i just want to ask a quick question. the nutri b vits i take do have vit b6 (25mg), folic acid (400 something els not mg) and vit b12 (25). must i take additional b6 folic acid and b12 with it.
thank you again
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jayneejay NonnieDD
Its up to you hun.. Some B complexes like Mega B 100mg contain 100mg of the main B's .. Always best to check before ya buy they vary so much.
25mg is not much at all and we need at least 100mg of b6 in peri maybe more full meno, i take 150mg B6..
The best B12 is Jarrows 5000mcg cherry flavour red label on bottle
Holland and barret do a fab mega B 100mg time release sort ..
Have a great day nonnie
Jay xx
NonnieDD jayneejay
are any of your ladies on facebook. there is so much joke and other stuff we can share to make as feel better and have a good laugh
HotDot7 NonnieDD
NonnieDD HotDot7
marlene21102 HotDot7
HotDot7 NonnieDD
MrsMerm NonnieDD
I just love this site, can't believe I 'm actually in touch with like minded women at last, I feel so much better already being able to share the curses of peri with others and the advice is superb, going to get some of this vit B stuff immediately,
jayneejay MrsMerm
How are you sweetie
😀 Vit B6 & B12 excellent for peri and meno...
or a Mega B 100 complex that contains at least 100mg B6..
talk soon
Jay xx
HotDot7 MrsMerm
jayneejay HotDot7
i had abit shock last night.. you know i have been saying I had vaginal discomfort and dryness ... Gyno did all the checks and vaginal ultra sound for ovaries etc all okay.. Colposcopy all looked ok, hormonal decline dryness noticd..
the only thing I was waiting for was my smear result ..
anyway last night my lovely Gyno emailed my smear result, said all cells fine, nothing cancerous or pre cancerous on the result..
but.. he told me I had infection due Bacterial Vaginosis and also candidiasis
( thrush)
well... I had to get some anti biotic Clindamycin vaginal ovules for three days and some Fenticaonazol ovules for treatment after 3-6 days 😥 he told me what to ask the farmacia for and how to use it etc..
so... just shows ladies... get annual smears ... as also any infections are picked up... I have felt like this a while and thought it was just menopause and this infection has taken a hold, maybe why I am hot all the time..
so ladies look after yourselves and keep a check 😀
jay jay xx
MrsMerm jayneejay
Enjoy the sun today
HotDot7 jayneejay
marlene21102 jayneejay
I don't eat sweets in any quantity,cheese I ration ,but hey I still got this problem on going,wonder if that's why so many get anxiety and meno IBS ? Food for thought today ?
Jay back on the B 12 ,no IBS prob 3 days in . So it was that 6 as thought .
Got that Acidophilus plus 2 billion out ( non dairy ) bought it but never took it ,buy 1 get 1 free .
My tinnitus a pain 2 days straight high as a kite yesterday ,today to B.......y low .if I could I'd strangle a Migraleve at the ready .
Sad Joan Rivers has died,had a mouth on her ,but she was more pussy cat ,just out earning a living as you her not bringing religion into jokes. Non that I ever heard,not like Dave Allen ,use to switch him off pronto,your mum and dad would have heard of him no doubt ,your still. Spring chicken ,to recall him Jay .
Glad you got Gyne smear back okay,sigh of relief getting all clear on that one for females ,but yes that one is a must I had every one of mine done .
Well his lordship just brought me in cuppa tea and a sandwich .Good old boy Ha Ha Ha .xxxxx
jayneejay marlene21102
for years for vag thrush i have always used Canestan Once and an oral tablet.. but after years of use the body becomes immune .. it doesnt work anymore..
so what the Gyno suggested may now work for me..
never had an antibiotic vaginal ovule before either 😢 never had BV Bacterial Vaginosis 😦
but better to know and get it cured ..
Glad the B12 hasnt affected the IBS Marlene..
I been into town earlier, its so hot again... no breeze, still and hot..
just got a stash of Melon 😀
your Acidophilus marlene are you going to try it ? i take mine every morning..
Tip.... always take with water .. never have a hot cuppa for a while after as it kills the bacteria in them and effect it lost..
i take that one Acidophilus thats the best one for IBS mines a holland and barret one and a 3 billion...
hahaha i do remember Dave Allen, just..
yes sad about Joan, she was abit over powering for me.. bit forced ...
but sometimes amusing though..sad though bless her ..
taking one of the cockers for a hair cut in morning..
shave .. 😀 hes due .. hes a woolly bear again..
jay xx
marlene21102 jayneejay
You going to your Gyne hunk may have helped me to Jay.
marlene21102 jayneejay
Got the Acidophilis on my side table ,will start on them today,with having IBS I'm always worried different things will upset it.Bite the bullet sometimes way to go.will remember about Tea and taking them only have 1 or 2 cups a day not big tea drinker. Got to have a thirst on to have 2
My girl gets cystitis most months and her tounge is white, yes she gets it to hormone imbalances .
Our Cockers got there hair cut every 6 weeks,but I never trusted anyone with them period Jay.not out of my sight girls like that with hers ,only trust nanny and grandad with hers,we've got them for the day tomorrow,give her and husband time out different than us having 2 human grandchildren Jay ,without the grizzling that would do my head in .So dogs love them here for the day.
So you do remember Dave Allen oooooh Jay he's been dead for fair time.well I think he has .xxx
NonnieDD marlene21102
marlene21102 NonnieDD
Now Jays dr says it all hey at least one dr on the ball we know of in the world xxxxx