Occasional Bloody Mucus on stool + anal fissures

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Hello all, I think this is a good place to post this, if not I'm sorry.

I'm a 20 year old relatively healthy male; when I was 16, I had my appendix removed, and I feel like ever since then my bowels have been weird. 80% or so of my stools are soft, and the rest are sometimes very hard (borderline constipation I'd say). A side note, they said that there was a very, very small mass on my appendix that was noncancerous, and could have become so if I had not gotten appendicitis.

For maybe two years or so, I've gotten mucus on my stool. Sometimes clear, sometimes yellow, so my family and I just assumed that it's IBS up to this point due to me having quite a bit of anxiety (since about 6th grade) and we read that mucus and abdominal pain are common symptoms, so I've just kind of not paid attention to it. It's never debilitating pain, rather a dull ache that's usually on the bottom left abdomen, and sometimes on the bottom right.

For a while, I've been getting a lot of urges to use the bathroom, but it's either a very small amount, or rather nothing at all. Sorry if this is gross, but I also sometimes release a lot of gas and mucus instead of actually defecating. 

A few months ago, I noticed a lot of pain (like a stinging pain) and a small amount of blood when going to the bathroom. I decided to hover over a mirror and noticed that I had an anal fissure, and I've been getting these off and on for a few months. Stinging feelings weren't very new to me; as a child I had a lot of constipation issues. When I was hovering over this mirror however, I also noticed something inside my rectum; very red "bumps" so to speak, but they were rather large, and I personally think that they are hemorrhoids; they secrete a lot of mucus sometimes, so I usually have to wipe a lot. I've told my parents, but they insist on waiting since I'm not keeling over.

Fast forward to maybe a month or two ago, and I notice that occasionally (maybe once or twice a month) I get blood mixed in with the mucus attached to my stools. This usually happens a few days after a very bad anal fissure bleed for me, or so I think, so it's not stressing me out too bad. Today, I noticed it again, and decided to use a cotton swab to take it off the stool and put it on some toilet paper. The blood was pretty much the same color as the blood I get off of my bad anal fissure bleeds sometimes. I took a picture, but I doubt anybody wants to see this.

Can anybody provide some reassurance that this isn't like, bowel cancer or something, until I'm able to go to a doctor? I'm not losing weight, I don't feel dizzy or lightheaded, things like that. Right now it's just the lower left dull aching and the occasional bleeds.

Thanks in advance.

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi austin10644

    Rest assured it's not cancer. If the blood is bright red it's from the anal fissures and hemmorroids. The hemmorroids will bleed almost everytime you evacuate and the fissures will probably sting.

    You need to see your doc and get them treated as they could become infected. In the meantime seek advice from your pharmacy and get some hemmorroid cream, but still see your doctor for your own peace of mind......my best wishes to you austin 10644...and STOP STRESSING! you will cause yourself anxiety which in turn will cause digestive problems.....

    • Posted

      Hello lilian05079, thank you for replying

      Everything I've looked at online says that bloody mucus is most definitely a sign of some terrible disease. Is that not the case? And I will definitely try to get to a doctor! 

    • Posted

      Hi austin10644

      Usually the blood will be dark coloured and like coffee grains if there is something sinister going on, but the blood you see is red is it not?...that's the other thing stop consulting doc google because you will imagine you have all sorts of things going on...just wait to see your doc and pay a visit to your pharmacy and get advice....best wishes..relax!

  • Posted

    Bright red blood can come from fissures and haemorrhoids which can occur after a lot of straining from constipation.  It is a complication of IBS. Mucus, shifting abdominal pain and anxiety are also IBS symptoms.  Pain can be dull, stabbing, deep grinding  or sore to touch. I have had all these pains with IBS Abdominal surgery such as an appendectomy can trigger it.  Bowel cancer is rare at your age.

    However, see your doctor for an official diagnosis.

    • Posted

      Thank you for replying pippa.

      Is it normal, however, for blood to be inside of mucus from hemorrhoids, anal fissures, ibs, etc.?

    • Posted

      Haemorrhoids can cause mucus, itching and bleeding.  Fissures also cause bleeding and the blood will be bright red. Since your bleeding is linked to these problems, I wouldn’t worry.  Try ice or ointment for the haemorrhoids and try not to wipe too hard or strain for a bowel movement.  Ask your doctor to do a rectal examination.  If your doctor confirms the presence of fissures and haemorrhoids, then you can relax. If they are not present, you may be given a fecal calprotectin test to see if IBD is a possibility.

      IBS does not cause bleeding.  It is a complication of IBS.  With fissures and haemorrhoids. It is common to find blood on the toilet paper or if there is mucus, the blood may be mixed in with it.

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