Odd Period Cycle
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When I was 20 in 2014 I had 4 months of absent period: September 2014 to December 2014. I also think in 2013 I had a month or two of absent periods but I can't fully remember. Apart from these occasions I've always had regular periods each month whether beginning, middle or end, it always came.
So I got so worried I went to see my GP. After a blood test it should that I had high prolactin levels and an Ultrasound scan showed I had tiny cysts in my ovaries. Nothing was done and my periods came January 2015 as normal each month until August 2016. It is now August 2016 and I have yet to see my period. I am worried again. Is it just me or is there something wrong or is this just my cycle.
Hope someone can help.
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esha41687 ire90401
Im 23 and my cycle is horrible for the past 2 years. Last year got an ultrasound done and a cyst was found. My doctor told me it's nothing to be scared of as it's quite common. So I ignored it. But for the past 4 months my cycle is bad as never before. Even if you talk about this month, I'm 7 days late already! A few of my friends are doctors and they told me that this is way too common these days as far as you are getting your periods, you shouldn't be worried bout it, 28 +/-10 days is considered normal.
I would suggest you not to worry bout it as stress itself cause a delay in periods. Probably the same had happened to me this month as I was in severe stress for the past whole month..
Try eating something hot like dark chocolate or drink coffee or ginger tea. They really help a lot in inducing periods.
Hope you feel better.
ire90401 esha41687
Thanks for your message. I just feel like it's all happening again since my last period for this year was July. It is now the ending of August and I have missed this months period. I think I'm just worrying about how this could effect me getting pregnant in the future and how the high prolactin level means. I really don't want to go through the whole blood tests and Ultrasound again.
esha41687 ire90401
Worrying about it will cause further delay. Try to calm yourself down. I know it's really hard to do so as I'm going through the same situation as you are but I guess we don't have any other option. Wait for a couple of more days, if you don't get you periods this time too then go for an ultrasound for your satisfaction. I'm sure everything will be fine.
take care!
ire90401 esha41687