Odd Possible Anxiety Sensation in Middle of Night?
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I've had anxiety and panic disorder for 10 years, but last night I experienced something that has really terrified me. I am on my cycle and had a bad headache all day. I have an extreme fear of headaches and fear of strokes for reference. I went to sleep and at about midnight I woke up, still with a bad headache, but now chills, hot with no fever, extreme numbness in my limbs and tongue, confusion, shaking, and nausea. Almost like you feel when you are feeling faint. I genuinely thought I was going to die. It was different than a normal night panic attack, but i am curious if it was anxiety. Has anyone ever felt this at night that suffers with anxiety?
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anthony17734 g52690
Hi, I am not sure. I am not a doctor or a nurse.
But my health anxiety often distorts and makes more intense my perceptions.
I was on a train yesterday, long journey, meeting someone I did not know well, I coughed perhaps 2 or 3 times and for a little while was certain I had covid.
I did not have covid, I had a cough because I am 68 and smoked for more than 20 years and there is traffic and a lot of polution where I live.
Anxiety brings on 'fight or flight' changes in the body, heart races, blood pressure goes up, breathing might be faster, and you maybe experiencing the physiological response of primitive man hunting or running from dangerous animals.
I hope its okay to do this but I just googled anxiety symptoms and it came up with these;-
'Common anxiety signs and symptoms include:
Feeling nervous, restless or tense.
Having a sense of impending danger, panic or doom.
Having an increased heart rate.
Breathing rapidly (hyperventilation)
Feeling weak or tired.
Trouble concentrating or thinking about anything other than the present worry.'
I hope you feel better today.
best wishes, Anthony