Odd Surges
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Hello all, have come hom from work today (yet again) cos I feel terrible. Is anyone else having what i can only explain as a surge from the stomach that climbs round your torso through your arms and up to your head or sometimes even down your legs that feels tingley, i feel my head will explode and i go freezing cold and cant think straight. My stomach is now making some grumbling noises and im left feeling i'm going to get a horrid headach. I was a bit like this yesterday but seems to be worse today. I eaten little and bland and drinking water but i dont seem to be able to find anything like this on all the listed peri symptoms you come across. I dont want to go to my GP cos he's not interested and i most likely wont get an apointment for another 2 weeks so thought i'd ask you lovely ladies. xx
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jayneejay anxiousface
so sorry you feel like this today... All sounds familiar...
Are you due a period or have one coming ? I always got headache before well a few days before and felt like i had been in the ring with Tyson
Jay xx
anxiousface jayneejay
worse at home on my own. I dont know whats to become of me i was looking up pancreitis on this website and all sorts but i see that wearykitty relates to me thank goodness. thanks for your support jay xx
jayneejay anxiousface
Stress always makes it worse doesnt it..
I had a weird week, lack of energy and been really clumsy 😳so had another B6 injection, this evening feel very emotional, dont know why..
sensitive and tearful 😞
I get blip day sometimes, this seems to be a 3 day blip, it drives you mad ..
hope you pick up soon hun
big hugs from Jay jay xxx
sharcerv52408 anxiousface
wearykitty anxiousface
anxiousface wearykitty
wearykitty anxiousface
anxiousface wearykitty
wearykitty anxiousface
anxiousface wearykitty
jayneejay wearykitty
bless you sweetie..
lots of ladies have mentioned citalopram helps them ... And suits many of them ... Hang in there ... You doing just great .. Its alot to deal with ..
nothing wrong with abit of help with meds sometimes you know..
need only be for a little while to perk and relax you .. Its just getting ine thats low dose and suits ..
Dont know if lorazepam is like citalopram or not ..
my gyno gave me diazepam 2.5 mg for when i am shatterd not sleeping.. Havent used them yet but nice to have as back up..
jay xx
HotDot7 wearykitty
HotDot7 wearykitty
We can win this race. It won't last forever. Right?
jayneejay HotDot7
you are so right there, we have to accept the changes, give ourself a nudge in the right direction ..stay positive, relax the body more when we feel totally out of sorts... done all this... But we still get the down days ... We are allowed ...... Good luck ladies ☺️
jay xx
laurie70017 anxiousface