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Hi everyone
Yesterday I went to my doctor as sex has become so painful and my partner is getting painful burning sensations also. She diagnosed Vaginal Atrophy due to lack of Oestrogen and has prescribed Oestrogen cream. Need to use it but naturally apprehensive... advice please!
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gailannie daisylady
Sorry you have joined my group of vaginal problems. And yes, I was prescribed vaginal estrace. It look several weeks, but it does work.
This problem is something that you need to handle. Things can get worse very quickly.
I can't say that everything was a cake walk, but I know many woman who have used it and never felt a thing. Somehow for me it felt systemic. Which may have something to do with the dryness I had, where the tissue just sucked it up very quickly in my system. But I will say I literaly "sprung back". Attitude, energy, sleep, happy feeling, I literally felt 10 years younger, and all the pain I had went away.
So while I get you're a little apprehensive, go slow and do a low dose and see how it feels.
daisylady gailannie
Hi gailannie
thank you so much for replying. As you say it's a club nobody wants to join! I did ask my doc if it was systemic and she assured me it wasn't/ From what I read you should only use it for a few months. Anything that stops me feeling like I am being attacked with a chainsaw covered in sandpaper will be good lol! I will give it a go xx
maryqui daisylady
Hello daisylady - when I read your post I thought I was reading about myself! I have suffered for 2+ years now and am fed up with it. I have just started with Estriol (?sp), 2nd day! Can't say it was all that comfortable on 1st attempt, hopefully tonight will be better.
Gailannie - I am encouraged by your post - fingers crossed it works for me! Thank you both for posting. It's great to have this support system!
daisylady maryqui
it seems there are a lot of us around. Hopefully it will kick in eventually and we will both feel a lot better x
gailannie daisylady
Daisylady, I know that is what the doctors say....that it isn't systemic......but I'll mention again FOR ME IT IS. I can feel it throughout my body within minutes after I use it. And now unfortunately, I must mention the one bad reaction I had from it. My hair started falling out. Ok so before you jump ship, please let me mention that I have many friends that have used it and never lost hair. So don't freak out. BUT HERE'S THE THING (at least for me) if it isn't systemic, then tell me why the hair on the top of my head reacted????????? Good point...right?
So go slow and use a low dose. I heard of one doc that just tells woman to just use a touch of it placed on their finger for insertion. Mine had prescribed 1 mg every other day. But I couldn't take that much and just went with half that amount.
daisylady gailannie
Hi gailannie
hair falling out?? Oh dear.. wouldn't want that. but as you say we are all different.. so the systemic thing.. could the symptoms be due to anything other than the cream?
I think going with a small amount to start is the way to go, especially if you are sensitive like me. Our bodies seem to rebel at this age. I took an antibiotic recently for a UTI and I was covered in bruises. Strange I have been taking it all my life and now suddenly it doesn't like me!
gailannie daisylady
I can assure you it was the vaginal estrace that did this. But again, I felt great, had energy, all my pain went away, I slept like a baby, felt refreshed, had that twinkle in my eye, energized and happy. I was told by a dermatologist that he'd seen this before, it just raised my estrogen level too high too quick.
But try it girl, just go slow and start low.