Off balance and feeling weird when walking for 2 years, not running

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Hi there

I am hoping someone can help me out with debilitating symptoms that have been going on for almost 2 years. Just some general info about myself: F, 26 years, normal weight, vegetarian for 20 years. I'll try to keep the story short but there is a lot to explain, so here goes nothing...

My health problems started in the beginning of 2016 where I would feel off balance/dizzy mainly when walking which got worse when I would try to look around a lot. The feeling exactly how I felt is difficult to describe but included feelings of swaying, sometimes caught by surprise of my own movement, weak legs etc. Went to the doctor, did some usual tests and blood tests (whole blood count, iron, thyroid, liver, kidney etc.) and everything came back clear, but slight tachycardia at the time (90 bpm rest or so) so I was sent for heart tests (echo, stress test, ecg's, 24 h Holter) but nothing was found so my heart was cleared at the time. I should mention here that I did mention being a vegetarian and questioning my B12 levels, so these were checked too, but the doctor diagnosed them as being fine (which turned out to be a misdiagnosis 6 months later, at levels of 189...).

Time went on, about 6 months of walking around with these symptoms, when things really got worse and I would feel very faint at times, super unbalanced when walking, very anxious, sweating a lot and chest tightness. Revisited the doctor, all the tests again were fine, except my B12 which dropped to 98 at the time. Was put on oral cyanocobalamin (4mg/day for 2 weeks and from then on 1mg/day).

Despite having B12 medication things regarding my balance remained the same or got worse at days. I think it is during this time of all the worrying that I also developed an anxiety/panic disorder. Brought myself 3 times to the ER thinking something was massively wrong, because of my off balance feelings, extreme feelings of being uncomfortable in my chest (very warm, tight, heart palpitations often happening after lunch). ER did the usual tests and found nothing but high heart rate which was attributed to it being a panic attack. 

That brings us to now, where I am seeing a psychiatrist for my anxiety disorder, but I believe there is a medical underlying condition that is not detected yet. During the last year I got too scared to work out thinking my balance got worse. Recently though I forced myself to go back to run 5k's which I loved doing before all of this happened. And this is when I got surprised: When I run I don't notice ANY of the symptoms. My body feels strong and I am able to pull of a 5k in about 26 mins, which is pretty decent for me considering I have not worked out in about 10 years. However, as soon also here when I am done with the run and start walking again this horrible off balance feeling is back! I can't stand this any longer. The off balance feelings I feel are always there but the severity degree is very dependent on the day or time of the day. Usually a lot worse towards the end of the day and also in the weekend which are often accompanied with some weird eye strain/headache. Also seems that when I have had bad anxiety/an attack it takes a toll on my balance that requires a couple days to go back to more normal levels, truth is the balance issues are always there in some degree or another.

I am just hoping to find answers to what could be going on. Could it be permanent damage from my B12 deficiency, of course also scared of MS or some other undiagnosed disease or could it really all be part of my anxiety disorder. Are there any of you that can find themselves in these symptoms/have any tips/advice? 

I'd greatly appreciate any input as it seems I can't enjoy life like I used to and want my old normal carefree life back...

Thanks a bunch



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56 Replies

  • Posted

    Oh my so sorry....have you gone to ear, nose ,and throat specialist ?

    Also I went to eye specialist for stroke victims and he takes pictures of my eyes which shows blood pressure, clogged arteries, etc. That is reason I agreed to take blood pressure meds. You mentioned eye strain.....

    I too have been in ER over night twice thinking it was heart issues... all was ok. I too was diagnosed with anxiety.

    For a time I had strange feeling just walking but could drive a car ...strange....

    Last August was the last episode, but I am always afraid of tipping my head back too far...or rolling over in bed...I did maneuver for vertigo and it goes away some times have to do more than once until spinning stops.

    I am on blood pressure meds low dose of losartan 10mg. My blood pressure is EXTREMELY high when under stress at dr's office or hospital. I am also on statins for high cholesterol. I take coq10 daily demanded by nature path dr.

    I too am suppose to take b12. I have a hard time getting lots of pills down... that one dissolves under my tongue...I take 2 multiple vitamins daily. Vit d, vit c granular form in water. Baby aspirin at night,

    I wish i could offer more. I am 69 and work out at gym at least 3 times a week sometimes 4 /1 hr classes. There was a time I could not lay down 0n step to do stretching.feel sick.......I am starting to run. I Am at my highest weight ever.

    Take care....

  • Posted

    Hello Mary,

    I have the same exact symptoms as you since about September 2018. Except mine all started with a major panic attack for the first time. After that my world has been spinning, my heart rate is always elevated, sometimes to insane amount (130+ while sitting) I had my heart checked, my blood, an MRi without contrast, ENT visits, hospital visit. I was told I have tachrychardia & could go on beta blockers but I refuse to but aside from that my health is "PERFECT" as ive been told. I was also prescribed anti depressants. I get so weak in my legs. I get ear ringing alot also. I feel like im constantly dying. My family members suffer from panic disorder so they reassure me that I am not infact dying but just going through major anxiety. My main issue is how long this is going on and that it is still happening even though I see a therapist for my anxiety/depression. My health issues are making me even more anxious so its a vicious circle. I will say my b12 I believe was over 500 so I think it was ok. The only issue with my blood was low vitamin d (level 15) which I take 1000 mg a day to solve this and I still feel the same with the off balance walking. Im totally ok when I drive. I didnt try running yet but will do. I hope you are doing better and found an answer. I am looking for help in anyway and when coming across this I am in tears bc of our similarities - I am also 26 (not vegan) and feel almost exactly like you do.

    Thank you.

    • Posted

      I take 10,000 D daily, . when my d was 9 they had me take drops under my tongue. my symptoms are gone thankfully but always afraid will return. blessings. Joyce

  • Posted

    mary, i seem to have all the exact things you do! ive had all the same heart tests, seen an ear nose and throat dr, checked thyroid, ct scans, xrays, and seeing a nuerologist thats said i have occipital neuralgia and vestibular problems. i go to physical therapy weekly as well as a therapist. sometimes i get improvemnet but it never lasts. i too dont feel like it is just anxiety! have you got any new answers?

  • Edited

    Don't always think that this is anxiety, as I have found that Doctors find this a convenient brush off.

    I developed severe health anxiety after my dizziness and nausea.

    It has taken two years of persistence and they are getting of the bottom of it, with thorough testing.

    Out of curiosity, have you ever had any issues with your neck?

    • Edited

      I had all the same symptoms, dizziness, headaches, blurred vision etc. I went to a chiropractor and got my neck xray done, turns out I have milatary neck. Never had neck pain and all the symptoms eased off after a few sessions with a good chiropractor. I went to many doctors and got diagnosed with various conditions from bppv, vestibular migraine, possible lupus, high hemoglobin, stress and anxiety. I spent a small fortune in private medical care to get to the bottom of it as I was sick with doctors blaming anxiety

  • Posted

    Hi everyone,

    Yes an MRI report stated I had a prolapsed disc in neck. Also some scholiosis in back. I already knew I'd had 2 prolapsed discs several years ago in lower back. I've reached a brick wall with FND Neurologists as, although they're adamant I've got Functional neurological disorder and associated non epileptic seizures, they have never seen someone so wholly affected and having such severe collapes seizures. They just say my case is chronic and as their usual therapy has no effect on me there is nothing more that can be done and no need for me to see them again. I find their attitude towards a more severe and harder case very uncaring..... it's as if I'm making their track record look bad because they've come across a case they can't improve upon.

  • Posted

    Hi everyone,

    Yes an MRI report stated I had a prolapsed disc in neck. Also some scholiosis in back. I already knew I'd had 2 prolapsed discs several years ago in lower back. I've reached a brick wall with FND Neurologists as, although they're adamant I've got Functional neurological disorder and associated non epileptic seizures, they have never seen someone so wholly affected and having such severe collapes seizures. They just say my case is chronic and as their usual therapy has no effect on me there is nothing more that can be done and no need for me to see them again. I find their attitude towards a more severe and harder case very uncaring..... it's as if I'm making their track record look bad because they've come across a case they can't improve upon.

  • Posted

    Hi everyone,

    Yes an MRI report stated I had a prolapsed disc in neck. Also some scholiosis in back. I already knew I'd had 2 prolapsed discs several years ago in lower back. I've reached a brick wall with FND Neurologists as, although they're adamant I've got Functional neurological disorder and associated non epileptic seizures, they have never seen someone so wholly affected and having such severe collapes seizures. They just say my case is chronic and as their usual therapy has no effect on me there is nothing more that can be done and no need for me to see them again. I find their attitude towards a more severe and harder case very uncaring..... it's as if I'm making their track record look bad because they've come across a case they can't improve upon.

  • Posted

    I have similar symptoms. male approaching 60. Moderately fit.

    Had them on and off since being on a corticosteroid for an autoimmune illness.

    Last July went on anti-depressant Sertraline which hasn't really helped.

    Multivitamins/minerals and B12 started a month or so ago has seemed to help mood more than Sertraline.

    I'm posting on here to ask specifically about weird sensations in my head which I've only had twice, first: rapid rhythmic, painless sensation, second: slower, shorter.

    Read elsewhere of similar symptoms being diagnosed as GBS Guillaume Barre Syndrome - haven't looked into it yet.

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