Off Balance Problem
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Helloo Friends
Anyone is facing Off balance problem....very scary symtom for me these days......not able to go outside alone..lose my confidence..always feel i may fall ..🤣
Anyone has some good u overcome this ?
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shallah24 sunaina1983
hello there , i went through this a a few years ago!
It is indeed very scary, I had severe nausea because of it. I went through a lot of tests and finally decided myself it was due to perimenopause and went to see a specialist.
You should ask your GP to get you a referral to see a neuro otologist just to check out that there is no actual imbalance as I do have a slight vestibular disorder.I can completely understand where you’re coming from because for me my life came to a halt and I could not drive or go out anywhere alone and couldn’t bear being in a shopping centre or supermarket.
hope you get to the bottom if it
sunaina1983 shallah24
Helloo Shallah dear
Thanks for reply.
Me having Migrane headaches too in past. ..Perimenopause and migrane both made this stage of life more difficult for me.
Always feel off balance..loosing my self confidence slowly. Not able to drive .
Wish this phase will pass soon.
Thanks.Good day mam
Guest shallah24
Hi Shallah, I have vestibular migraine. Went a year and a half and too many drs undiagnosed. I am currently under the care of a neurotologist aka (oto neurotologist) He is wonderful. Mine disrupted my life too....had to close my business. At my very worst, housebound and unable to drive. I am on medication now, trying to get my chronic migraine under control. Feeling hopeful.
I posted a discussion with info about hormones and their effect on the vestibular is in moderation, hopefully it goes through.
sunaina1983 Guest
Thanks for reply mam
Give me hope that me not alone and its part of peri and stop one day..hoping for good days again.
Left my job because of dizziness and off balance too scare to go out alone.Loosing my confidence.
Fed up with every day headaches and pains.
i wish it will be over soon for all of us.
claire38123 sunaina1983
hi iv also had this on and off for years and make my anxiety worse my sinus problems got a lot worse with peri and iam always bungged up nose and ears and pain in my face look on the web for bppv as thats what iv been told mine is and there is a special maneuver you can try or get your GP to do which helps dislodge the tiny bits of debris in your inner ear its worth a try sometimes it helps me sometimes it doesnt its easy to do yourself just lying on your bed look it up on the net and give it a go big hugs i hate my dizzy days feel for you xx
sunaina1983 claire38123
Thanks for reply dear
Thanks for advise
its really hard to cope up with dizziness and balance issues sometimes.
kelly55079 sunaina1983
Yes.. feel dizzy and off balance. It's mostly in the morning which I don't understand because I believe I sleep 7-8 hours.. Just feel dopey.. I stay in mostly just because of this. Hoping that these hormones balance out soon!
sunaina1983 kelly55079
Same here dear..Feel not to go anywhere.......because of theses issues
Hope theses will end up soon.
Thanks for reply
lori93950 sunaina1983
yes ! ive had it for years maybe 11 ? and it just halts your life ...i can only drive locally and even just going in a department store is too overwhelming . i panic and just cant wait to get out.
im sure its all hormones as it started for me at 41 .
sunaina1983 lori93950
Same here with me mam.going near by local store is big tast to dooo 🤣🤣
Off balance feelibg and headached made this phase very tought .