Oh my, back again..

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Just as I was starting to say how much better I was feeling, I ran out of the natural progesterone cream I was using and picked up a different brand. I used it last night and around 2 AM woke up with my body on fire, then freezing, sick feeling, couldn't breathe! All the awful symptoms came roaring back. I don't know if it was the change in cream or just the old symptoms rearing their ugly head again. I'm so achy today too and burning feet again. Just awful. I ordered the old cream and won't use the new one anymore just in case. I do see where so many people have bad reactions to progesterone cream, maybe it's what else is in the it? Or maybe I used too much? The measuring system was different on the new one. 

Can anyone give me more insight on their experience with using it?


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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Sorry to hear!!!! What brand are you using that gave you good results?? 
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      Progesterall but only 1/8 tsp. So I think that's 10mg worth.

  • Posted

    Suzanne, there are plenty of difference in the amount of progesterone in different creams.  So switching brands can definitely be a problem.  

      If it's not too much trouble, I'd look on each brand and compare what they say about their product.  It would be interesting to see if they are the same, or whether the higher or lower amount made you feel this badly.  

    I'd love to hear which brands and amounts caused such a problem with switching.   

    • Posted

      The first cream that I was doing well on is progesterall. It's 20mg of progesterone. However the instructions say 1/8 to 1/4 tsp a day. They give you a small pea sized dot to compare your cream. I was using 2 dots worth which is 1/8 tsp. So now I'm thinking that I was probably using a half dose, 10mg. 

      I switched creams because I read some questionable reviews on the first one, but I should've looked further. There were claims that they don't used USP progesterone and when I looked on the bottle it just said progesterone. However, after the bad reaction to the new cream I looked at the website for progesterall and it DOES say USP progesterone. I'm sorry I switched.

      The new cream is progensa 20. It instructs you to use one full pump. So I think where I went wrong was that my body was used to 10mg and I overdid it using the full 20mg of the new cream. But regardless, I stopped using this cream, gave a two day break, and now went back to my original cream that I was starting to feel better on. There are different ingredients in both, but I don't feel like it was an allergic reaction since my symptoms were very intense adrenaline kind of ones that I was getting when I was really bad in the past even when I wasn't on progesterone.

      I started using the first cream regularly when I found out my uterine lining was thickened the last time I had an u/s. However, it was never thick on previous u/s's and I have had many in the past two years. I think things are just starting to wind down as I'm skipping periods here and there. Since using the cream regularly I skipped a period and then had a normal one. When I get back to Florida I'm scheduled for another u/s on August 27th. Hopefully things will look better in there by then. I'm trying not to stress too much about thinking it's something ominous. I have to think that thickened uteruses during peri is a common thing.

      I'm slowly feeling better after having a hellish two years. The bad days are fewer thank goodness, and I've actually had two weeks this month where I felt pretty good. This week I'm getting the burning feet again and joint pains and fatigue, but on a lesser scale too. Either the progesterone is helping to calm things down or the reactivated EBV is finally starting to go dormant. I've had a sore throat for a few weeks though, that's where I started, so a little worried. And today I scratched or bumped my left arm and now have big purple spots. This happens from time to time but it's only my left forearm. So many left sided symptoms. If you look at forums for EBV/CFS/fibromyalgia, those people (men included) complain about left sided symptoms. so strange. 

  • Posted

    Hi , I know this post is now a couple of weeks old . But just wondering how you are doing now . Your symptoms caught my attention when you mentioned back pain. But after i read on, the rest sounded horrible and i dont know how you could cope with that feeling of not being able to breathe. I am having a terrible few months. But no symptoms of your nature except for back pain , feeling hot constantly, skippping a period a few times a year but not consecutively. I am so emtional and cry often .. what is the cream suppose to help with hot flashes . Are you using it to help the thickening of your uterus. I am not on anything yet but think i need it. Good luck to you, i hope you are feeling much better back on your old cream. Is it better for the cream to have usp or better it doesnt have it. Just wondering . I have read negatives about the progesterone too my doctor was going to perscribe but i declined.
    • Posted

      Hi Tam, I started getting all those symptoms again and then got my period again, at 21 days. The cycle only lasted about three days, but now I'm having burning in my upper body too. I think they might be hot flashes sort of? I started doing the progesterone cream (yes, UPS is what you want to look for so you know exactly how much progesterone you are getting) when I was told I had a thickened uterine lining. It's been a few months, so hopefully when I get the next u/s next week it will look improved. I used to take oral progesterone to help me sleep, which it did, but boy, that made me feel mean. I think overall I'm better on the cream. Supposedly progesterone cream can help with hot flashes, but you'd probably have better success with something like Estrogel which gives you estrogen. However, it's best to do both, not just estrogen, because the progesterone will protect your uterus. For me, I was so estrogen dominant for so long, (bad breast cysts, ovarian cysts, etc) I felt that all I wanted to do was the progesterone for now. 

      My friend does estrogel (she doesn't have a uterus so doesn't take progesterone) and she says it keeps her happy. If you are crying and emotional maybe it will help you too. She used to take oral estrogen but was getting major migraines, the gel is much gentler for her and she no longer gets as many. 

      I used to be so paranoid about taking hormones, but that's when my anxiety was in overload. I've calmed down about it now, and I don't automatically assume that every pain is fatal. And realize that taking the progesterone might help that uterine lining. Sure hope so!

      Is your back pain in the upper left near your shoulder blade?

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