Oh the moods!
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I think the part of this whole perimenopause thing that really gets me down is the angery spurts. So suddenly I can be so mean, and it is so NOT me. I get so frustrated over the smallest things and my husband gets the brunt of it all. He may not be perfect but he really is good and does not at all deserve the tongue lashings I have been dishing out in recent months.
And after I get so angry with him for no reason I cry because I feel so badly that I did. And then I start thinking I would be better off dead if this is going to keep going like this because I loath myself when it happens. And yes, it all revolves around my menstrals that I am still getting...not as regular as clockwork anymore but anywhere fro 21 days to 36 days apart most times. It is crazy, I am crazy! I even get angry and shout at God...and that really scares me. I am (or was up until now anyway) a woman of faith and I even question that some days.
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metamorphed Indifferent
hi. you won't be like this forever! I think most on this site (and more who are not) have gone through this awful angry stage. I started to put a wooden peg on my lips, when I was like this, because like you, it was uncharacteristic of me and felt so bad afterwards. My outbursts usually came with insane heat and after a few, I knew when it would all break loose. so, out came the peg. it hurts a little but better than hurting others around you, which is worse. It will end, this stage, it did for me. good luck
Indifferent metamorphed
bobbysgirl Indifferent
Many ladies on here talk of anxiety attacks, but like you it's anger with me. I try and direct it at the TV or go over to the old caravan we have (I use it as a workshop and for extra storage) and fume over there.
I have a very understanding OH. He just says 'having a rant dear' and makes me a cup of tea - bless him.
I'm getting a real Victor Meldrew, I seem to be surrounded by idiots. At heart I know I'm not and it is just the hormones.
As for shouting at God - well I'm sure he's heard it all. He's not likely to take 'umbridge' and cross you off his list.
Don't give up, it won't last forever.
Indifferent bobbysgirl
I did many years of anxiety, very scary anxiety. I must say the anger is easier than that for the most part. Although it is not controllable, it comes and goes. I found the anxiety was a constant never ending cloud that never let up and some of the thoughts that came with it were even more scary than the ones that come with the anger at times.
In my case though, I AM surrounded by idiots...and it isn't just the hormones...hahaha!
Well one idiot (who is not my husband but my daughters...)
Ahhhh, and shouting at God. Oh boy, I have to say I have been pretty blunt and leaning on grace in that department lately
emmy18124 Indifferent
I tell my husband husband he should find someone better since I'm so often a mess emotionally. He says no way, lol. It occurred to me also that he probably wouldn't be able to find a woman not going through the same thing anyway!
Keep trying to find things that help. Coming here sure helps me!
bobbysgirl emmy18124
Your husband sounds a sweet and sensible man. For those out there who's OH's are not so caring - ask them this - When was the last time YOU looked in a mirror?
For all of us married ladies falling apart at the seams there is an OH a little (or lot) bigger around the waist than he was. He'll probably have less hair on his head and more growing out of his nose/ears. He never used to snore - now he can waken the dead. He used to run Marathons now he can't run for the bus..... are you getting the picture?
Indifferent bobbysgirl
My hubby and I were sure having our issues this summer...mostly because I have been waking up from the estrogen love bug and seeing him for what he was...and what he was not. LOL! We were about to go our seperate ways when we were led to this book called "Love and Respect" by DrEmmerson I think it was. Anyway hubby really did become a lot more attentive and understanding of my emotional needs at that point and much changed...except the terrible moods I get into that I am having a very difficult time controlling. The book I would recommend to anyone but it does have a deep Christian nature to it.
Indifferent emmy18124
2chr2015 Indifferent
Hi indifferent. I have definitely been to the point of wishing I would just die. It stinks. I don't have the angry outbursts right now. But coming to this forum has definitely helped. I think I am dealing with things a little better.
Indifferent 2chr2015
It does stink! It is kind of scary at times. I really don't think it is a suicidal thought, it is a fleeting thought that scares me. And I hate what I am doing. What a stage of life this is. I thought my teen years were bad...and they were. This is the same but different. Confusing for sure!
Guest Indifferent
This helped me today Indifferent, felt like I should share it with you. Hugs!
"My Lack Of Faith"
"And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief". Mark 9:24
Do you ever feel like this man? You believe the Lord can do something but aren't sure if He will. You believe He is able but what if He doesn't?
I know in my own life there are some areas that I have no problem believing Him in. There are some things that I fully trust the Lord with-- in those areas my faith in Him and His ability is strong. But then there are other areas that my faith is weak in and I find myself doubting Him and running to some physical, fleshly source to fulfill the need. Maybe you aren't like that. Maybe you have no areas of faith that you struggle with. Maybe this doesn't describe you.
I don't have all the answers about why we have strong faith in some areas and weak, to no, faith in others. What I do know is that when we recognize an area of faith that we struggle in, we shouldn't act like it doesn't exist. We shouldn't ignore it. We shouldn't try to put on some sort of façade with the Lord and try to make Him think we believe when what we only have is hope and assumption, not real faith.
It is not wrong, or a sin, or a lack of spirituality, to admit to the Lord that we are having trouble believing in a certain area. The father in our verse above admitted his weakness to Jesus. Did Jesus scold him? Did He chastise him? Did He rebuke him? No, He answered his prayer. He showed him the power and goodness of the Lord. The Lord remembers that we are made from dust and have a weak human frame. (Psalm 103:14) The best thing we can do when we recognize that our faith is weak, is not run from the Lord, not try to pretend it is what it isn't, but go to Him with an honest heart confessing our need for Him to "help our unbelief" and strengthen our faith.
Have a great day. There are areas where our faith is strong, and others where it is not.
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Coffee Break is a morning devotional written by Lorraine Ezell
Indifferent Guest
Jokey Indifferent
Sounds just like me a few years back. Although it sounds irrational it must
be a normal process as so many of us experience the exact same symptoms.
You will get through it😯 Damn hormones.
Good luck and all the best to you.