Oh What A Feeling!!
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Well ladies,
I am here with another peri/anxiety rant.
I had indegestion and flatulence all day that was making me crazy. So I was driving on my way to pick up my sister from work and all of a sudden my head started feeling funny, i started feeling internal tingling, my heart started pounding and I was in full anxiety attack mode. I immediately called 911 because I just knew something was happening to me. I made it to my sister's job and she told me to calm down and not call the ambulance. So I told the 911 operator that I had someone to take me to the hospital. I paced the floor until I calmed myself down.
I was wreck on the drive home. Now I'm home and still shaking with some slight dizziness. My family is still trying to get me calm down, but it is easier said than done.
I really needed to vent. My family don't understand that I am not a hypochondriac. I really experience physical symptoms. I try to keep the anxiety down as much as possible, but sometimes it gets out of control.
I have now retreated to my bed and this is where I will be for the rest of the night. I don't even feel like eating. I just want to get a handle on things before this peri makes me lose my mind literally.
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loretta63638 jamie50513
jamie50513 loretta63638
didi0613 jamie50513
didi0613 jamie50513
jamie50513 didi0613
didi0613 jamie50513
I'm not as anxious anymore. Just have bad night sweats, a little dizzy, and just recently been getting bad headaches. Could be from our recent change in weather though.
I only take B12 and D. Seems to help my anxiety and fatigue.
Good Luck Jami. Hope you get some relief soon.
jamie50513 didi0613
I am trying to take care of myself as much as I can.
carmen51657 jamie50513
I am so sorry you are having an off day. I have had two episodes today of jitters and anxiety so I can relate. I don't have great solutions as I have chosen no HRT or meds of any kind. I take a child's multi. 2x's per day, and Vit d. I am sensitive to even vit's. I think on an earlier post you mentioned having low potassium--I do too and I do make sure I eat potassium at every meal--bananas, yogert, avacados, potatoes even chocolate. This has helped my heart not to race so much so maybe it can help you too. I wish for you a peaceful rest and calm. Take care.
jamie50513 carmen51657
Zigangie jamie50513
Now I call that day my worst day. When I have felt that way since I tell myself it's no worse than the worst day, nothing was wrong with you then, you got over it. It helps a lot.
I can relate with the hypochondriac stuff. My husband has told me I have it plenty of times. My daughter also really seriously has said to me she's sure I suffer with it. Also jokes and tells me I'm 'having the time of my life"
My husband has only really taken any notice recently and only because I've started taking HRT and he's noticed an improvement, he's suddenly more sympathetic now I don't need it!
jamie50513 Zigangie
ellacraig jamie50513
i think the build up of gas in your chest makes you short of breath then freaks You out too thinking you might pass out.
going to acupuncture tomorrow to see if that helps. Hubby doesn't know yet... Il be in trouble for spending money AGAIN on my problems baahh
jamie50513 ellacraig
debbie_18471 jamie50513
jamie50513 debbie_18471
I came in fixed some soup took a few spoon fulls and didn't really want it because my chest was so uncomfortable. My head was feeling weird pressure. So I'm sipping some ginger ale and lying down. Today was exhausting. Just trying to relax. I don't think Im going to work tomorrow.