Ok LOL this is a WEIRD one...
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Has anyone ever gotten like a sharp tiny stabbing pain like on the side of your upper thigh? Maybe hip actually? The outside.
It’s sooooo weird. I’ve had it happen on both sides today. Feel okay other than completely wacky digestion...LOADED with gas. Gotta love that tmi lol
But seriously, just constant gurgling and some stomach pain, up into my shoulder and gurgle more, a little pain in the shoulder and back now and then, and then WINDDDDDD lol.
So aside from that this weird short quick stabbing pain comes and goes on the hip/upper leg area.
I AM definitely ovulating because I felt those lovely pains today too.
Anyone else with that weird pain?
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katyD211 Str8tfans
Digestive issues are definitely peri stuff, but I'm curious...do you still have your gallbladder? That shooting shoulder pain made me ask...
Str8tfans katyD211
Hi Katy,
Yes I still have my gall bladder. My son however, had his removed at 18. My symptoms don’t “seem” to be similar to his?
I do notice that my digestion is horrible right now. I also notice if I eat a bunch of crap (which I’ve been doing for about a month now unfortunately lol) that my digestion, for obvious reasons, is way way worse.
Used to be I could eat ANY thing I wanted. Never a worry or “symptom”.
Now it seems if I do that, I have horrible days with digestion for several days afterwards. From stomach pains, to weird headaches, worse pms symptoms, constipation, (or the feeling of it), bloating, and always always paired with mega gas lol.
I get relief on a bad day if I can actually PASS that gas haha!
Sometimes when it’s really bad and I feel that heaviness in my head, almost dizzy but not quite, and just an overall feeling of “something’s wrong”....almost like clockwork my stomach will start gurgling and I feel gas moving all around. When it passes most if not all of those symptoms go away or at least minimize.
After tons and tons of research I’m thinking it’s either Leaky Gut, IBS, or one of those digestion issues.
I tried to start yesterday on a short “fast” to clean up the gut (remove bad bacteria and replace at the end with rebuilding the good) but I failed miserably by around 4 pm and ate chips and queso and a roll of smarties candy....followed at 9pm by pizza hahahaha.
Today...the head is already “weird” and the gas remains lol.
I feel like if we are really REALLY in tune to our bodies and symptoms, many times the answer is right there.
I don’t believe that peri in itself causes the “actual” symptoms....but it’s definitley showing us that our bodies are changing and causing our other “things” not to work as well...in turn we have to turn our lives around, eating habits, stress control, sleep, etc., JUST to be able to handle all the “tired” organs that peri is messing up!!!! GAHHHH!!!
It’s so frustrating.
I had lost about 40lbs last year, (much needed). And for some reason I fell off the wagon and started eating bad again and see the weight slowly coming back.
Along with that regression in my diet...worse digestion.
It’s maddening!!
tina00239 Str8tfans
Hi mate, how are you doing? Yes those nasty little stabbing pains are the nerves firing off like little electric shocks and can happen anywhere on the body so be prepared! They often come without warning. I get them in my feet, usually at night and during the day I can get them anywhere. They often make me jump they come so suddenly and sharply. And the stomach issues - totally identify with that. Have a horrid taste like I've eaten soap or something, hate eating now have dropped nearly 30lbs in just 7 weeks. Bloated, full of gas, farting like a machine gun, much to the amusement of my partner and sons (makes them feel less guilty when they do it) but it at least makes me less embarrassed when I do it. Its awful as I never used to be this way. Always picking up coughs and colds as easily as anything. Always aching somewhere on my body. Have also had the ecgs as had severe anxiety and panic attacks. This process is awful to most of us. Those who have little or no symptoms dont know how lucky they are. Heres hoping none of us have to go through this for much longer. Love and hugs XXX
Str8tfans tina00239
And yes....we all just want it to STOP don’t we?
Sending strength to everyone dealing with it! ❤️