Okay, now I'm really stressing myself out

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So, I posted a little while back about my crazy peri symptoms and how I'd almost convinced myself that I have MS. In addition to the tingling in my foot that I had a few weeks ago (that has gone away), I'm now experiencing random tingling (feels like it's just under my skin) up and down my right leg, mostly in the thigh. Well, something new happened and of course, I went to good old Dr. Google, and now I'm totally convinced I have MS. Yesterday at work, it totally felt like I had sat in something wet, so much so that I reached down to feel my left upper thigh/butt. Completely dry. That seems to be one of the less common symptoms of MS. Yikes! I am trying not to get super-freaked out, but it's so so hard. I will be seeing my PCP in a few weeks to check in on my new meds (for high blood pressure and anxiety) and will bring it up then. Ughhh.....

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Please try not to stress, the tingling and Crawley feelings are all normal it's one of the wonderful symptoms. The wet thing with MS is that you feel like your limbs are wet, not your clothes. I use Silcocks base cream to help with the skin issue, and you can wash with it to. It's the ONLY cream I use now. I do suffer with the anxiety end to so I know how your feeling. I'm here if you need to talk or vent at any point.

  • Posted

    Hi Tebrown, I had the MS scare last year...put into me by my former primary dr last year. I had to look up exactly what it was...of course when I did, I freaked...thanks doc! Clear mri, neuro, etc. I have a friend who does have MS...she told me one day she swung her legs to get out of bed, and fell to the floor when she tried to stand up. She s in her 70s and is doing better than me right now! I always have MS in the back of my mind too...I get awful fatigue. But, just saw a vestibular neuro the other day and he was not concerned, especially where I had a brain mri last year.

  • Posted

    Don't stress.. I did the exact same thing.... But since then, I've been to every doctor possible not thought including 2 separate neurologists who have done MRI's and EMG and ANT testing... Close test our nerve conduction tests which are a part of checking for MS and Parkinson's. All tests were completely normal and neither neurologist showed any evidence of MS or Parkinson's.

    None of these doctors have found a thing yet they're real quick to tell you to stay off of Google because you'll have yourself convinced that you're dying if you do it.

  • Posted

    Tingling can be from a lot of things. I have gotten tingling in my thigh and my hip and it was from an impending shingles or herpes outbreak. sorry if thats TMI but very common. A brain MRI will very quickly rule out MS. An xray of your back and neck can tell if the tingling is from disc issues. if all come back normal you know its good old menopause! tingling is also very common with anxiety and panic attacks. just get testing done to put your mind at ease.

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