Old one day young the next
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Do any of you feel really young and good one day and sometimes the very next day feel old . My muscles and joints can feel so good and energy is up then energy is gone and muscles and joints hurt . I also feel as though I have sharp pains occasionally in different spots . My knee, back , leg ect. Only last seconds then gone . ?? I posted few days ago about my left side feeling as though I pulled a muscle or it's a cramp , then it's a feeling of gas . It is in the front on left side then the actual side then my back on the left side . Ivvhad urine test , lots blood work, normal bp, and normal temp... hormones can be hard to deal with .
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valarie24431 renee_26767
Yes, I deal with back and joint pain depending on the time of month it is. The sharp is mainly in my breasts. I also deal with muscle twitches ALL over my body. It's strange. I just posted about anxiety happening in my luteal phase just now. These hormones sure do play a number on us women.
lindabelle valarie24431
I have been in menopause for about 10 years now keep thinking I should be finished but I still feel everything and I am on esterdot 100 pad and I still get all the symptoms but not as strong . I get dizzy and anxiety very badly can't wait to be finished I am 58 years old . My doctor wants to lower my pad to 75 because of my age it is dangerous for me at my age to still be on such a strong dosage but I am very worried because I will feel worse .Because the 100 pad doesn't get rid of all the problems iso 75 might make me feel even more symptoms.
2chr2015 renee_26767
Yes I have noticed that too. I will have a productive day and feel good and then the next can't hardly stay awake. I just take it as it comes.
kelly55079 renee_26767
Yes... I'll feel great and energized then the next few days I'm tired or sore.. I have no idea what this is but I take it as it comes. And if I feel the need to get to bed early I do!
2chr2015 kelly55079
Yep me too. About once every 10 days or so my body says crawl into bed about 8:30. Go with the flow. That's all we can do
Ashley025 renee_26767
I'm 24 and I feel like 100. 😭 Seriously I don't know what's wrong with me. I have no energy, no hope, I feel tired all the time, I feel irritated and hopeless. I feel I need to be put to sleep. If you know what I mean*. I'm tired I need rest. Peace.
Ashley025 renee_26767
Wrong forum my bad.
I was talking about my depression ignore my comment. Please.😑
Yellow88 renee_26767
So timely to find your discussion - I too get times when I am just plain exhausted like this week!! I go along fine for a while and think life is good then it hits me like a train, I drag myself around doing the things that must get done. I feel exhausted mentally too. This has sometimes lasted two weeks before I revive. Vit b has helped sometimes but it hasn't taken it away permanently. Any body got any favourite helps?