Posted , 12 users are following.

I feel like if I'm slowly dying when will this be over I have a backache sore rib cage tummy issues period kind of cramps I just went to walk my dog and he got off the leash and I had to run after him and I felt like if I was going to collapse had no air extreme fatigue felt dizzy and nauseous it was horrible I just want to roll up in bed and stay there can any of you ladies shed some light has this ever happened to you thank you blessings

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    u have just described my day yesterday . no energy no feelings. i guess is part of the game . just get some rest and all will be fine.

  • Posted

    Dear ur not alone

    Me too suffering alot.


    Off Balance


    Neck pain

    Jelly legs


    and soo many other symtoms

    List goes on and on..........

    Its because of Harmones imbalance.

    Hang is there


  • Posted

    Dear ur not alone

    Me too suffering alot.


    Off Balance


    Neck pain

    Jelly legs


    and soo many other symtoms

    List goes on and on..........

    Its because of Harmones imbalance.

    Hang is there


  • Posted

    Dear ur not alone

    Me too suffering alot.


    Off Balance


    Neck pain

    Jelly legs


    and soo many other symtoms

    List goes on and on..........

    Its because of Harmones imbalance.

    Hang is there


  • Posted

    At least you got some exercise in.. : ) No, I know-- I get that in waves-- usually right before my period and at times it's here and there. It's hormones.. Just do what you need to do and rest.. Take a nap, lay in bed.. it's OK-be good to yourself. I stay on top of my supplements and drink a lot of water and get extra sleep if needed.

  • Posted


    That can be one of the worst symptoms with this. This is an excellent forum to remind you you’re not alone. I have said this many times on this website, that I feel this time in our life is to clean up areas that we need to attend to. Are you taking supplements, leading a healthy lifestyle, consuming caffeine, too much sugar, refined foods etc. This time in our life is basically a wake up call. Sit down and try to write any areas in your life that are concerning, just start writing without even trying to overthink. Just start writing whatever comes to mind, relationships, friendships, lifestyle, diet, bad habits, bad habits include friendships - family and partner/husband/wife etc... 😉 I am two years post menopause and I can tell you it does get easier. Everything you’ve named I’ve had and that cramping even when you don’t have a period, it’s so annoying, but it happens. Good supplements that support this time of life are so important , I can’t stress that enough. Are you also in the stage of muscle weakness where your arms and legs feel weak. I had a terrible time with that. Our muscle mass does decrease in this time of life also. try to tell yourself this is a journey and a process. You’re definitely not alone !

    • Posted

      Hi Lisa and Marisol,

      I totally relate to this... I am absolutely exhausted too. It's just absolutely debilitating and so upsetting... and the muscle aches and weakness are so bad!

      I do feel I have some bad habits - not enough rest, eating too many sugars as I absolutely crave them but I'm not strong enough to abstain from sugar! 😦

      I'm just wondering what supplements you take to help with all the symptoms?

      I actually went to the doctors to be tested for circulatory issues as I thought maybe the terrible aching/weakness in my legs was possibly heart/circulation related... everything seems ok and bloods normal so I'm thinking it must be hormonal?!

      I'm using patch hrt but it doesn't seem to help much.

      I really should clean up my act as you suggest but I just don't have the energy, motivation and feel quite down about it all too. I feel I'm failing dismally.

      This group gives me such hope though, I really appreciate the posts as they help so many of us. Hope we sll feel better soon.

      Love to all.


  • Posted

    i feel like im sufgocating everyday. it feels like im just gonna collapse. can this really just be our hormones??? been in and outta drs. i feel like im going crazy or im just plaun dying. i used to run circles around youngsters now it hurts to get outta bed all happened overnight. i want my old self back id rather have my period again then this. im 51 and feel like 90. how bout u????

    • Posted

      yes jaynie i feel the same I'm 47 and feel like a little old lady heck i think a 80 year old feels better then me as i see them exercise around my house and i don't even have the strength to get out of bed i still get my period every month so i am in peri and i feel horrible i can imagine when I'm in menopause OMG this has taken over my life I've gotten every symptom you can name and them some i just don't no what to do anymore just cry i just would love at least a week of my old life back I'm so happy for this forum but sadden of the reason we all get together here for this never ending roller coaster i will have you all in my prayers blessing to you strong amazing ladies!!!

    • Posted

      Jaynie, funny you say that because I was just thinking that today. My husband said a very long time ago ...“what happened to my sweet Lisa“, and I thought ...what did happen to her? Perimenopause ... that’s what happened! I look in the mirror and I’m like...OMG...I have become my mother! I think I even have the hairdo she had at this! You think it’s going to end once you hit menopause and it just doesn’t. I mean... yeah does get better, but then its always a cycle of something else! I just told my friend today, I’m going to find a gynecologist to put me on bio identical hormone‘s, because I’m done feeling like this. It’s been 12 plus years between Peri and now post. you’re not going crazy and you’re not alone, we just have to keep plugging along 😉

  • Posted

    Hi i feel same so tired and i keep having an ache along the bottom of my ribs both sides even round the back. I have to look at the area as it kind of burns and leaves me with a strange skin sensation and i think my skin must have a prickly rash. Sometimes i bend over and my ribs hurt like a sharp pain. I too feel light headed and so tired all the time. I feel like going to the drs but seem to be there all the time so feel like i am a anxious freak 😦

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