Omg is anyone on right now??!!

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Y’all I just had the WORST dizzy spell that lasted like two seconds, the kind where your eyes feel like they’re gonna “jiggle”, immediately followed by naseua, passed quickly butbleft me feeling woozy, TERRIFIED, and my head feeling heavy and like “thumpy” Or “clicky” (if that makes sense?) 

Now I’m laying on the couch trying to will this away- I can feel my stomach gurgling like I have gas (which I’ve had for like three days btw) and the anxiety that kicked in immediately so I start thinking “does my left arm feel numb?” Even tho it really doesn’t. 

Feels like a headache might start- but no pain.

I took an aspirin out of literal panick and fear😩

I hate this. I don’t cry and I’m fighting back tears right now, is anyone online to talk about this with me and compare things? I always feel better reading someone else’s experience 😩

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23 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Str8, sorry to hear darling how your feeling..I just was on the iPad when my eyes went a bit weird I'm always ready to cry because I can't understand it all, I'm here feeling funny in my arm some kind hot feeling,if I panick can't breath that don't help and then I don't know what to do with myself, sometimes I feel like I got chest pain I'm going to die, can't help it..with you all the way.

  • Posted

    I don't know if it will help but I've had an episode of my heart pumping so had that it scared me thought I was having a heart attack but I was told you should breath and wait for the anxiety to leave It eventually went but just hang in there and always remind yourself it's the menopause

  • Posted

    Hello, dizzyness and anxiety seem to always go hand in hand,  it's awful and scary, must have been a major hormonal change or fluctuation that happened, you just need to ride it out, try no breath, have a herbal tea x

  • Posted

    Describe your dizziness. Vertigo is when the room spins. I have had weird dizziness in and off for 8 months. I canmaybe help if you describe it
    • Posted

      It started a few hours ago- lasting only a few seconds at that time. It was the kind where your eyes feel like they’re gonna jiggle and go out of focus, then a wave of fast naesue. Only lasted a couple min- but I laid down and then it just felt like a SUPER heavy head. 

      Now, fast forward a couple hours or however long it’s been (not too long) and I tried to lay down and nap, because still just feeling “off” and icky....but then when I closed my eyes after a minute or two I got dizzy again...had to stand up. Feel better actually standing or walking but NOT “great”...just less gross.

      Then feels like my head feels tight and ears kind of clogged, but that went away too, and tingling head, but also goes away. Then the feeling that something is in my throat. 

      It’s like all of these symptoms many of us have previously had a LOT...just really accerbated today. OH! And MAJOR gas and gurgling for like 4 days. Today as well- I’m like a human dang air balloon, if I’m not burping it’s trying to burp at the other end, OR just gurgling and moving around my stomach. 

      If it helps- I started my period Jan 4th, and ended day before yesterday.  

      This month was a bad period, lots of hormone surges for three days prior and during most of it until the last day or two. 

      Yesterday (first full day off period) was the only day in at least a week that I felt actually GOOD. 

      Idk what hormones would be surging right now 8 days into my cycle? Anyone know? 

      Thank you ALL for the support, don’t know what we’d do without each other sometimes. 

  • Posted

    Dizziness was one of my first symptoms, it stayed with me for months and months everyday all day, I felt tilted to one side or like I was going to spin if I turned to fast or if I looked up.. I would go into the grocery store to get my few items to cook for the day, and would lean onto the shopping cart for support, many many times anxiety would set in I would get very off balance and have to leave in a hurry to sit in my car to keep from what I felt like passing out, then I would sit in my car and cry, and then after 10 min or so I would go home and try again at the store later! That really went on day after day for a long time. Now it just comes a couple days a month and leaves me then returns next month... Its really awful and really scary.. With this I also get stiff legs and feet and fingers like my legs calves don't want to move, or like I did squats and my legs are week, that came and stayed a while, now comes once a month starting the 11th of every month so it started again yesterday for me super week stiff legs and hands, and I'm dizzy as well.. I don't get a period because I had a hysterectomy years ago but still have my ovaries.. So I have no idea where I'm at in my cycle, I just know my symptoms now come and then go on the same days every single month. But dizziness is very bad in perimeno thats for sure. Feel better soon..

    • Posted

      I relate to every bit of this. I keep track and for me, it has always been ovulation, right before a period, then when periods started to subside I would still get dizziness once a month like clockwork, etc. I am 2 1/2 years without a period but I still get bouts of dizziness. I feel it is because it takes a while for hormones...estrogen, etc to decrease. It doesn't happen overnight. I don't wish this dizzy crap on anyone, but I am glad I am not alone because even after all these years it can be very scary and disconcerting! Hugs to all of us going through this.

    • Posted

      Hi Suzanne, indeed the dizziness is very scary even though it's been 2 years almost for me. I can only go by the repeat of my symptoms every month because I don't get the periods anymore (hysterectomy) so I will never know when full menopause is for me... I use to feel pain at ovulation time every month and that was my sign that I'm ovulating, but I don't feel that anymore. So it's a long hard road we are all on, and I guess when I finally do get some kind of relief from my symptoms then I will take it as though menopause is near and peri behind me !

  • Posted

    Also I never cried so much in all my life until perimeno set in, that's a symptom all of its own too, it hits you and you just can't control it you just start balling for what seems like no real reason at all! It may be because your scared, or are having a panic anxiety attack, or you lonely and feel like no one understands, doesn't matter what the circumstances are you just start and can't stop.. Once it hits you...

    • Posted

      Hi gypsy, tell me about it,I cried and cried for years and still now accasionally do, but it's turning to anger sometimes,so sad I often wonder what is next after peri, I'm scared but I'm trying also to be brave too, it seems like Post meno is trouble too but hoping it's nothing like peri.

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      Hi Maria yes me too I try and be strong ,everyday is some kind of struggle! But you know I get to feeling so stressed out I can actually feel the anxiety and tension building up in me and I just start to cry never before all this memo stuff did I ever do that, but once I do start to let out a really good cry it relieves all my stress and I feel so so much better at that moment. The only thing I don't like is sometimes I may get a headache or dry or should I say more dry eyes or clogged sinuses for the day but at least I know I cried let it all out and feel a bit better and I'm still here..

    • Posted

      Yes girl we still here. I can't relax mine goes racing and I guess I don't like how I feel too are you nearing menopause.

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      I am post...certain things have definitely gotten lots better... my main issue is still dealing with dizziness on and off.
  • Posted

    Hang in there honey! Sometimes don't you feel like your body is betraying you?  I'm nervous about my mammogram results because my breasts have been feeling weird. I went today so I should get my results(if all is well)in the mail next week. I'm still freaked out they might call(that's not good). I had to take a half a Valium today before I went. I have NEVER worried about a mammogram before!! Well, at least we can all freak out together!

    I had the dizziness a few years back. I only get it now if I laugh really hard. How strange is that?

    • Posted

      Isnt that the truth juanita. Not long after starting peri i had a mammo and started freaking out. I remember thinking why am i doing this? I too had never freaked out about medical stuff. It took me a while to put it all together after i found this forum (thank God for that) i mean seriously i dont know what would have happened if i hadnt.. i do think that all the stuff we see on tv , fb and google, makes all this worse.
    • Posted

      Growing up I don't remember all this medical stuff on Tv. Also how about all the commercials about "final expenses"?

      I had to stop googling, it will make you think you have every disease on the planet. 😂😂

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