Posted , 6 users are following.
Anyone else dealing with this BS? Any suggestions on how to make it better?
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Posted , 6 users are following.
Anyone else dealing with this BS? Any suggestions on how to make it better?
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cindy_45475 klm1213
Hi. well I most definitely do not have all of the answers but I have indeed suffered leg ( knee) pain and foot pain for no explained reason. I've had all blood tests and xray which thankfully showed nothing up. I take turmeric capsules and when the pain flares I rub castor oil over the site for around 4 days and this surprisingly helps. I also have a very trusted heat mat that works also.
juanita93228 klm1213
Yes, they hurt every now and then. More in winter. But when I was younger I was a cheerleader, took lots of dance classes, and ran track, so my legs and knees took a beating. They tell kids to be active and that's great but what they fail to tell them is when you get to a certain age you will be achy. My nephew recently gave me some hemp cream that works great.
ImagineOneDay klm1213
klm1213 ImagineOneDay
Abbreviation for bullsh*t lol
klm1213 ImagineOneDay
abbreviation for bull$*% 😁
ImagineOneDay klm1213
ImagineOneDay klm1213
2chr2015 klm1213
get some magnesium oil and rub it on them
NothinforNothin klm1213
I've read to sleep with a pillow between your legs at night if you sleep on your side or under your knees at night to elevate them if your lying on your back. The last thing you want to do is walk and I know. Been there in the first stages of the leg pain but, when your able to. Walking 10-15 minutes a day really helps. xo
Thanks for the replies and all of the advice ladies!!! Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving 😃