On going abdominal pains / stress / anxiety
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hello everyone,
im 30 years old and this all began novmeber 2018, it started with chest tightness, from there its moved to my upper abdominal, lower abdominal, lower quads, and the pubic line, ive had a number of blood tests, endoscopy, ultra sound on the upper half, all come back clear, i was then refered to an gastroenterologist who said it was reflux which i dont have and gave me a months worth of reflux tablets which did absolutely nothing, ive since been back to the Drs and the pains in the lower groin area are worsening, when then talked about anixty etc and im now on a course of antidepressants, question is, can all this really come from stress/anixty? any one else suffer from this sort
of thing? its been going on for to long now and everyday in my head i think im suffering from some terminal illness that hasnt been picked up and its like groundhog day over and over in my head.
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EdEire dean23495
it can be yes..but you defo need 2 things
ps: do not worry too much....
take care bud
pete93215 dean23495
i know that anxiety can make symptoms worse with a wide range of things like ulcers etc. but normally there is an underlying issue, however you've had alot of test so i guess that rules out anything bad, hope you get to the bottom of it
lester90053 dean23495
Have you taken a CT scan?
dean23495 lester90053
thanks for the kind replys, im not been offered a CT scan, i think maybe next to come will be the colonoscopy, im due to see the gastroenterologist again in March.
pippa58442 dean23495
Anxiety can cause gut problems such as IBS. Do you have bowel habit change? IBS can cause pain just about anywhere. Have you tried a food diary to see if a food is causing it?
dean23495 pippa58442
it could very well be IBS, but when reading about that it seems to "come and go" after eatting etc where as mine is anytime, the pains can last from an hour to a day, they wake me at night, they come on at work/anytime, can range from dull aching to pretty sharp horrid pains. Its destroying my life if im honest. im hoping these antidepressents well help me back to where i need to be, but only time will tell i guess.
pippa58442 dean23495
IBS is different for everyone. It doesn't always come and go after eating. It can be constant or come and go unrelated to food. Mine was daily and constant with four different types pain: dull, sharp, sore to touch and deep grinding with no relation to food. Stress was my trigger. It was this way for three and a half months.It woke me from sleep, could last for days, weeks or months. I thought I couldn't have IBS because I also read it was come and go pain like my brother had.
After diagnosis, it changed to come and go with months and now years of remission. What you read online about IBS is very general. Patient experience is far more reliable. Have your bowel habits changed? Still consider IBS and ask your doctor if it could be a possibility.
dean23495 pippa58442
ive not had any sort of change to be honest, theyve always been the same, never had diarrhea etc for as long as i can remeber which had lead me to believe it cannot be ibs and something elsewhere which is only getting worse as time ticks on.
pippa58442 dean23495
Have you had constipation/incomplete evacuation which can also result from IBS?