On going off balance sensation

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Hi ladies I suppose I'm looking for reassurance here

For just over a year now I've had severe peri symptoms, started off with heavy bleeding, then anemia, agitation/anxiety, couldn't sit still, bouts of hysterical crying panic attacks etc

However, everyday when I get up out of bed I feel off off balance sometimes a swaying sensation. When it's really bad I find it difficult walking or moving my head

I've also got a sore stiff neck now, don't know if that's hormone related or if I've tensed my neck so much that I've caused it

I was suffering from severe stress last January when the severe meno symptoms started the the weird off balance shaky vibrating symptom started, it's driving me crazy and causing me to be depressed and very anxious

I also lost my mum in January this year which has not helped I just feel totally overwhelmed

I'm 52, small built, the reason I'm saying this is someone told me if your slim you suffer more as your body cannot store estrogen, don't know if this is true

I also suffer from migraine & nausea. Can any one relate to this, my GP and gyno have written me off as suffering from an anxiety disorder as they havd never heard of anyone suffering from severe meno symptoms such as mine

I had a CT scan last year which was normal, seen an ENT specialist who said I may have vistibular migraine but I couldn't tolerate the nortriptyline med he prescribed

I'd be grateful if any ladies can relate


Brenda X

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17 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Brendababy, first I must say sorry for the lost of your mum may she R.I.P seems like you have symptoms like me been going through it 8 years shaky sometimes all these are Peri menopause symptoms try to relax a bit I know it's hard every day is a struggle,when I'm sitting I try to distract my mind ,when comes to bending down my head eyes feel full this is all feelings we have to tell ourselves we will be OK and it will pass,I live alone and I don't work nothing much to keep me busy apart from cleaning up or taking walk outside I have not been socialising much either I miss old life very much and hoping the old me will come back soon hugs for you .
    • Posted

      Thanks for your kind words Maria, I don't think I could suffer feeling imbalanced everyday for 8 years, that's the stuff nightmares are made off 😳

      I'm hoping one of the ladies can come on with some good news to say they had suffered similar symptoms but they had got better

      Forgot to say I've been on tibolone for 3 months, today I feel like I have pregnancy nausea, it's weird

      Hugs to you Maria xx

    • Posted

      Hi Brendababy yes I would love somebody to come on myself and tell us they feel better give us something to go by bless you.
  • Posted

    Hi Brenda,

    I'm sorry you are going through an awful time. I get all the same symptoms except for the nausea. I've had countless tests, scans, blood work, mri's, overnight hospital stays, and everything always checks out fine except I was severely anemic. Unfortunately the docs fob us off as having anxiety because a lot of the symptoms mimic anxiety especially once we've been checked and all seems to be fine. But these are real feelings and sensations. Some of us women are more sensitive to our hormones then others. Try to listen to your body, rest when you need to and try to keep calm as much as you can. I know its easier said than done, but you will get through this. Be kind to yourself and know that it won't last forever. ((Hugs))

    • Posted

      Thanks Jamie I appreciate you taking the time to reassure me

      Hugs to you xx ❤️❤️


  • Posted

    Hello my Dear Brenda,

    I am so sorry to here of your Mothers passing.

    She is in a better place and you Will see her again!

    With no more tears!

    God promises us this!

    I am and have been in the same boat as yourself. I am 53 , live in the states and right now suffering from a stiff neck.

    I wouldn't be surprised if that is hormonal too.

    As I have gotten these in the passed from sleeping on it wrong...but this should of been gone by now!

    I consider HRT but was ever one to take meds.

    I also lost my sister a year ago. She took her life!

    Yes, so I needed major help through this total nightmare!

    I believe I have been going through this menopause for more than 10 years now. After my sister...I went on HRT. Brenda i cannot tell you how it has helped me!

    I'm not a 100% but much much better.

    Also on Wellbrutrin.

    Don't believe the doctors....what you are feeling is real! Find a doctor that cares enough to help you. I know that is a Very tall order but they are out there!

    I have or had every symptom you mentioned in your first paragraph introduction.

    I still get migraines. But not near as bad as I use to.I just had one for 2 days straight. Suffered it out until it Dissapted.

    Hang in there Brenda. You (we) are stronger than this. We Will conquer!

    You are not Alone,

    Sincerely, Maggie. Xo

    • Posted

      Hi Margaret, thank you for your kind words about my mum it is comforting to think I will see her again some day

      It's terrible not being able to contact my mum as I dident realise I depended on her so much just to call her up and chat then everything would feel much better

      I'm so so sorry about your sister I can only imagine how devastated you must be feeling but as you said she's in a better place and not suffering any more pain you can also take comfort from this

      I have tried several different HRTs, don't know if I stayed on them long enough to be of any benefit but I'm very sensitive to side effects and get anxious about them do came off them after a few weeks

      I'm now on tibolone, been taking this for 3 months, don't know if it's helping any symptoms yet but I'm still off balance, still anxious and taking migraines so I don't know how long I should stay on it bug also worth it's making my symptoms worse

      I just feel totally overwhelmed Margaret some days I can cope better than others but I feel I could cope with all of the other symptoms but not the imbalance it is stopping me from living my life the way I want to at the moment

      Thanks again for trying to console and reassure me, by the way I live in Scotland, every one I speak to seems so far away

      Sending you lots of love and hugs

      Brenda xx

  • Posted

    Yes had variations of all these symptoms. They do subside over time. It's all related to peri. symptoms. Most docs. don't understand cause they haven't experienced it or read up on it to know.

    Just have to hang in there and try various things over the counter and vitamins like B12 and D helped me. Try to free your mind by doing something relaxing like taking long, walks, exercise regularly, do yoga, and eat healthy, so you aren't so anxious and worried all the time.

    Take Extra strength ex-cedrin for your headaches. It's the only thing that works for me.

    • Posted

      Thanks didi, I do try and walk everyday but can't exercise cos of the balance and weird head sensation, sometimes feels as though someone else's head is on my body

      I'm also really sensitive to tablets and there side effects so I will only take them if I'm really struggling

      I forgot to post that I am on tibolone, couldn't tolerate regular HRT so my GP gave me this, been on it for 3 months

      Sure it's weird how everyone is affected differently?

      Here's to better days!!

      Lots of love

      Brenda xx

  • Posted

    Oh Brenda isn't the off balance feeling just awful? I'm sitting on my couch all day with my neck against a pillow. Feel woozy. So hard to take day in and day out.
  • Posted

    Dear Brendababy

    Poor you, sorry about your mum, I am 52 also, i lost my mum twenty years ago and i remember going through an awful time panic attacks etc (plus i lost my sister a year after her) bereavement itself is an awful time and puts a strain on our bodies, no wonder you feel like you do with the menopause on top of it, bereavement is a process which has stages and takes time to ever feel normal again and so is menopause. I feel that i am having my fair share of meno symptoms and im not particularly small, an average size 14 so im not sure if size makes a difference, try not to expect too much too soon, you will need time to grieve and adjust and get through menopause too x

    • Posted

      Hi pinkcatfairy, thanks for being so kind. I've woken up this morning again with another migraine, took it yesterday but thought it wasn't so bad when I went to bed last night

      I feel I'm living in the worst nightmare, I have terrible feelings of fear when I wake up every morning, I feel out of control cos I don't know when all of this is going to end

      I'm taking tibolone, been on it for just over 3 months, I feel I've had several migraines since I started it don't know if this is making them worse or if it's menopause

      I've had this horrible off balance/dizziness for a year feel woozy n shaky, anxious and scared all the time it's just horrendous, like other woman have said they don't know how much longer they can carry on

      Sorry for the depressing reply I wish I could come on here and be more uplifting and positive and help others

      I hope things improve for us all soon

      Thank you and take care

      Brenda xx

    • Posted

      Dear brendababy

      I hope you feel better soon, i woke up with migraine aura without migraine, well a little eye discomfort, i thought i was over them, that is the thing with the menopause, symptoms come and go! I know what you mean about the dread on waking it is awful, since i have taken liquid magnesium that seems a little better, i was taking it for my hurting muscles but i did read somewhere it could help with anxiety, that said, i still have panic thoughts so it hasn't totally eradicate d it! Xx

    • Posted

      Hi Brendababy you have a symptom I had waking up with fear such awful symptom it has since subsided and hope it do t return I was frighten to sleep but you have to get your rest o thought it was only me

  • Posted

    Hi brenda . Just read your post i am just on my way the doctors . I had a full hysterectomy in jan an i have not felt well since . I am having all the menopause symptons even tho am on hrt. The chest pains migrains nausea feelin light headed and feelin depressed all the time . Am sorry for the loss of your mum . I care for my mum who has dementia . But hope your feelin better soon . Love tracey x
    • Posted

      Oh Tracey this is a nightmare isen't it, I've woke up with the migraine again, got tingling in my hands not sure if it's the anxiety, migraine related or another meno symptom

      I just feel I'm not mentally strong enough to cope with these symptoms and the fear I have, I really admire ladies who can think differently about all the symptoms and carry on with life

      I don't turn my head anymore. I have kept my head rigid for so long I am scared moving now cos I have developed a phobia of the dizziness. I don't know how I'm going to turn this around, no one can help me cos of the anxiety

      I hope you feel a bit better soon Tracey and hope the HRT works for you, I've been on tibolone for just over 3 months but the migraines have got worse so I'll need to make a decision about this

      Take care and let us know how you get on


      Brenda x

    • Posted

      Hi brendababy . Aww its awfull i had a bad one yday which made me vomit . I went the doctors today he put me on antidepressants to help with the symptons. Your greving wont be helpin you . I lost my sister 4 years ago age 53 . An the loss can cause you some horrendus symptons . But lets hope things get better for us take care . Love tracey xx

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