On side of back a little above hip, horrible ache pain

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I am post menopause (at least supposed to be) Does anyone get the horrible pain and aches on the side of back a little  above hip? Mine has been bad the last 4 days hurts the worst if I turn on that side. I have had it in past but not this bad. I walked, all was slightly uphill for 9 days in a row averaging about two miles day trying to get moving more used the Apple Watch to track steps not sure if that had anything to do with it or not. Sometimes it will go down my thigh and lower hips ache BUT mostly the worst is the side back pain and constant ache. I have DD so can't take mortin I have been using Tylenol  once or twice a day for the last 3 days BUT don't want to take anymore due too the liver damage it can cause. Does anyone else get this and if so what do you do?  I hoe to hear feed back as soon as possible. Thanks

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi there - I am also post menopausal & just last week, I had excruciating hip pain in my left hip.  Never had that happen before, I had to take Advil (2 plus to get any relief) it lasted about a day 1/2 & has not flared up again.  I tried to think if I had done anything to my hip to warrant such pain, but nope - Good for you for ramping up your exercise routine, I am starting to feel a little better & hope to be adding more exercise now - hope your pain goes away - 

    • Posted

      Can someone explain how far up above your cheeks (sorry for graphic) is considered hip area and joint?  Is kidney area higher up then hip just trying to see exactly my area Mine is if you follow your navel straight around to the left side (thats where mine is)  Is that considered the hip area? 
  • Posted

    Hi crosado, sounds like you may have over did it a bit with the exercise. I had a flare up of sciatica one time ago and can be quite debilitating... The only thing that really helped that, was laying flat on back with head under one pillow with 3 pillows under calves raising the bent legs up, for 6 weeks, and the pain was and is a nerve.. Eventually the pain went away thank god thought it never would but it was bad, I also suffer lower back too.. Try heat pads, hope you find some relief soon...
  • Posted

    Also when you do feel better, I would do gentle stretching for sure and any kind of yoga gently of course...
    • Posted

      Exactly where'd on back was your pain with this sciatica?  It's horrible!!

      Oh does anyone on here get COLD CHILLS?

    • Posted

      Hi Crosado,

      It sounds like your pain could be due to a urinary infection. UTI's can produce the symptoms you've described. I get UTI's frequently. Right now I'm having sensitivity in the same area more or less where you have described however mine is more in the center of my lower back where the spine ends just before the buttocks begins. It won't hurt to have a urine test done just to rule it out.

    • Posted

      My pain was lower like from front put fingers on your hip bone and follow around to backside, In that area on down the buttock and back leg the pain was undeniable, and it would pulsate spasm throb with pain, like when you have a bad toothache same sort of pain all nerves there... Kidney is higher up like you say follow your finger around from your belly button. And I'm no doctor just saying how it was for me.. Did you go get this checked out? I did with mine and of course pushed the pain meds which I don't take anyways, but probably not a bad idea if your suffering a few days with this to see your doc...but if your not use to exercising and went all out and started walking 2 miles a day for 9 days straight my educated guess would be you pulled injured twisted some kind of muscle.. But to ease your mind go get checked just to rule out kidney!

    • Posted

      Well I'm heavy so my navel most of dropped lol cause its not very far up from tail bone where I'm hurting . I'm to heavy to find hip bone :-( it does hurt also off and on in kegs and lower hip and some all the way across lower back. 

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      It doesn't burn when I urinate or hurt or anything like that. No discharge either. 

    • Posted

      I seem to have based sciatica . It is from left hip all the way down to side of my leg. I sometimes even feel it on my left foot and toes. Gp doesn't think it is a typical sciatica. What is it then? It can be painful in bad whatever position I take sometimes...

    • Posted

      I never burn when I have a uti. I usually know by having the back pain and the slow urine flow and the funny smell of my urine.
  • Posted

    Hi...I agree with everyone about it sounding like sciatica, especially since you say you've been doing more walking than usual. I know how you feel with aches n pains and wondering.."is this just normal stuff or should I be worried?" More than likely its exercise related but I know I would go to get checked out ...just so I could relax knowing it's not a uti or kidney stone. So go get checked, if its sciatica they'll tell you what stretches to do, use heat pad and take tylenol.

    Good luck, hon and let us know how you make out.

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