One sore boob !!
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Hi everyone. I haven't been on here for a while, because I've been managing my symptoms with natural remedies, but I've been experiencing pain in my left breast and wondered if anyone else has had this? It's been on and off for a few months and so hasn't worried me that much, but it's been pretty constant for the past week and today, it woke me up. I can't feel any lumps and can't see any dimpling of the breast tissue, so I'm pretty sure it's just hormone related, but I've made an appointment at the doctors anyway, for next Friday (earliest I could get). When I squeeze it, some puss type of stuff comes out, which is slightly darker than when I squeeze the other breast. I breast fed my kids and had mastitus and it kind of reminds me of that. I remember my mum had something similar at this stage of her life and I remember she showed me a mass on the surface of her boob, which turned out to be nothing. When breastfeeding, I used to put hot flannels on my boobs to ease the discomfort. Perhaps I should do the same now.
General info: I'm 48 and have been experiencing peri symptoms for some time now. My periods are spacing out and becoming lighter so hoping I'm on the final stretch.
Can't wait for my 50s !! Hope this finds all you ladies in good peri health, as well as can be expected anyway.
Thoughts and advice always appreciated xxx
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Bubbins Lara66
Wise to get it checked out, but am sure it's ok. I went to my GP with breast pain and was referred to the breast clinic. the chap there said if you are getting pain, then it's never anything serious...?!
Best of luck, am sure all will be fine x
lesley26791 Lara66
shaznay96184 Lara66
Oh, and as for wishing your life away to become 50.......start back-peddling now: fast! I'm 54, in Peri, and still bleeding as regular as clockwork!!!
kristi63 shaznay96184
cathy88329 Lara66
kristi63 cathy88329
cathy88329 kristi63
kristi63 cathy88329
kristi63 Lara66