One sore boob !!

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Hi everyone. I haven't been on here for a while, because I've been managing my symptoms with natural remedies, but I've been experiencing pain in my left breast and wondered if anyone else has had this? It's been on and off for a few months and so hasn't worried me that much, but it's been pretty constant for the past week and today, it woke me up. I can't feel any lumps and can't see any dimpling of the breast tissue, so I'm pretty sure it's just hormone related, but I've made an appointment at the doctors anyway, for next Friday (earliest I could get). When I squeeze it, some puss type of stuff comes out, which is slightly darker than when I squeeze the other breast. I breast fed my kids and had mastitus and it kind of reminds me of that. I remember my mum had something similar at this stage of her life and I remember she showed me a mass on the surface of her boob, which turned out to be nothing. When breastfeeding, I used to put hot flannels on my boobs to ease the discomfort. Perhaps I should do the same now.

General info: I'm 48 and have been experiencing peri symptoms for some time now. My periods are spacing out and becoming lighter so hoping I'm on the final stretch. 

Can't wait for my 50s !!  Hope this finds all you ladies in good peri health, as well as can be expected anyway.

Thoughts and advice always appreciated xxx

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10 Replies

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    Wise to get it checked out, but am sure it's ok.  I went to my GP with breast pain and was referred to the breast clinic.  the chap there said if you are getting pain, then it's never anything serious...?!

    Best of luck, am sure all will be fine x

  • Posted

    Hi,  I had breast pain for about 6 weeks altogether ........ So far.  It started out of no where, then was sometimes an ache.  I coincidentally received my mammogram appointment about 2 weeks after the pain started.  I'm 47. Went to the docs so they could check for lumps or abnormalities, nothing found.  my mammogram was clear, but I walked into the room in floods of tears as the pain had returned a couple of days before the appointment and I was sure they were going to find something.  (I had also read quite a bit about breast cancer and that pain is NOT a symptom!!). That of course didnt make any difference to my irrational mind!  I'm sure everything will be fine for you.  definitely get it checked though for your piece of mind.  X 
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    ....first thing I thought of....Mastitis.  Maybe have a chat with your GP about this, as I'm sore its really uncomfortable at the very least.

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    • Posted

      i'm 52 and this is the first period that i've not started "like clockwork".   weird thing is, i was actually sad(for a second) to not see blood after feeling cramping and thinking "it's here".  i've been waiting and waiting to stop this mess.  maybe it's not sadness, but apprehension at everything else to come? i've started the palps, the high heart rate and more intense anxiety, and some light night sweats.  i am NOT good when i feel bad. 
  • Posted

    Hi Lara,  I had a pain in my right breast for months but am 56 now and am in the full throes of menopause, I believe it was possibly lack of hormones and it suddenly being reduced, I went straight to my doctor and said I was concerned so she referred me back to the breast clinic, they did a routine mammogram, and all is fine, it's most likely to be hormonal. I take evening primrose the 1000 mg which has really helped me.  But I'm no doc, so please do check this out and I'm sure it would be changes I your body.  Best of luck to you and do try the evening primrose oil it has really helped me xx
    • Posted

      Hi Kristie, I only take 1000 mg, but if take it religiously, but you have to give it time, I don't take menopace but it's supposed to be one of the best supplements, exercise is good I went for a really long walk tonight, but do go to your doctor and check out your boobs, best of luck to you xxx
    • Posted

      i just had "the girls" mammo'd and had a suspicious area that turned out to be a teeny normal cyst.  i think breast pain is one of the symptoms.  as long as no redness, fevers or oozing going on, pretty normal.  none of this feels normal...   my next goal is starting a walking program and work up to 10K steps a day. 
  • Posted

    i am just starting my serious perimeno symptoms and breast pain was one of the things i experienced a few weeks ago.  it was nothing i'd ever experienced before.  it lasted on and off all day, but went away.  definitely have it checked due to oozing. 
  • Posted

    Thank you everyone for your helpful and supportive responses.  I am definitely going to the docs about it on Friday. Peace out x

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