One sore lump in neck and one not sore lump in neck ?
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about a week ago the front right side of my neck began to hurt very badly. The area was too tender to touch and the pain radiated through my jaw and ear. i thought it was a muscle strain and would do away in a few days.
it didnt.
after a few days my partner found a lump in my neck so immediately i was worried, i seen my GP who has sent me for an ultrasound tomorrow . Once i got home i remembered that about a year ago i found a small tiny lump on the back of my neck, the right side too, i felt it again tonight and im not sure if its anxiety but i feel lts bigger than before.
i would just like to hear some experiences or advice. im obviously worried about it being cancer and im terrified
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kim12266 marie99158
usually lumps that are cancer are painless an not painful or tender when touched
marie99158 kim12266
that makes me feel better, the lump on the back of my neck is painless but has been there so long with no issue. do you think that makes it ok ?
also have u had your ears looked at silly question i know but pain from the ear can be felt in the neck and jaw pain is not often associated with cancer in early stages its not until lumps become large they can pain from pressing on nerves etc thats how most cancers go unnoticed my son had a 13cm tumor on his adrenal gland it wasnt noticed until he was stage 3 and he never got any pain
kim12266 marie99158
it could just be benign fatty tissue or cyst or could even just be swollen glands they are at the sides of the neck and the back of the neck also have them accross the breast bone etc
marie99158 kim12266
My GP did check my ear today and said it looked fine.
marie99158 kim12266
ps. i hope your son is doing well
kim12266 marie99158
i dont think it will be anything serious usually things like this turn out to be nothing at all and i wish yo.u good luck with the ultrasound if u could keep me updated on how thingd go and wat the cause was please ....He made it to 5 years after he was diagnosed he went into remission twice but passed away 2 years ago it had returned and spread to far to treat it
marie99158 kim12266
im so sorry to hear about your son
i had my ultrasound and my technician scared me so much
she asked before the exam if id been feeling tired or sick which i said no
she then took alot of pictures and at the end of the exam she said "and you said youre not feeling sick pr tired at all?" which has made me think she seen something bad
kim12266 marie99158
try and not worry bout it they measure and take pictures even of normal stuff so wait for ur results and see wat they say
Just posting to say they didn't find anything sinister in my ultrasound, not sure what's causing the pain, it is starting to get better though. I'm happy that it's not anything bad.