One Sore, Swollen Lymph Node....

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Hello All,

First post after lurking for several months. I appreciate this board and the insight it provides. Here is my question. For almost a year I have had a sore spot in my left armpit. It is not in the breast tissue that extends into that area, but higher up. I had an ultra sound in December and was told it was an enlarged lymph node and to keep an eye on it. Well, it has become larger so that it is actually a lump/knot rather than just a sore spot. I went to my GYN today (different than where I went before) and he agrees it is probably a lymp node. It is pea sized, moveable, and sore, which indicates to him it is something benign. I'm having an ultra sound and mammogram on July 13th, in his words to, "confirm it's benign." The area gets more sore when my period is due (along with my breasts) and I have sharp, shooting pains in that left breast too. These things have ramped up the anxiety/doom feelings of course, which makes the heart palps worse. This stuff is just too much fun. I should note, there are no other swollen lymph nodes (as far as I can tell) in other parts of my body. Does anyone else have experience with this?

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4 Replies

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    I can sympathise with you, left arm and left breast sore last month that I too went to my doctor and requested a ultra sound, he insist that I'm too young for a mammogram. I was in so much pain, my left breast was on fire, my left arm felt sore to the touch and my left should seized up, found out it was Frozen shoulder. I found the area inside my elbow very tender to touch and my flabby under arm area very painful, after 3 weeks of this I went to see a naturopath and he provided remedies for the arm and I acupuncture. I feel so good but still doing for my ultra sound this week

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    It has happened to me a deep painful lump in my armpit and right around cycle time, it was several years ago. It did go away in its own. But it was movable, about size of a pea, maybe little smaller.

  • Posted

    i was going to reply to you last night but got awarded *a badge* for the amount of sites and discussions I have been on and thought I am like a hypochondriac. Never mind it's a very good forum to be on and some very real and good advice is given. Advice from real people who have gone through the same things is invaluable .

       anyway I had one of these lumps under my right arm for years I used  to worry myself about it,  at times worse than others.  It often used to bother me at the time of the month I remember that. I used to press it and it moved about but it felt quite sore if I pressed it too much.  Well I know I am a worrier anyway and I can't remember what happened to it but it disappeared and it's gone now.  I know someone who got a similar lump cut out but mine disappeared.  

    Think you will find everything is ok 

    take care 



  • Posted

    I just wanted to update everyone. I had the ultrasound and mammogram today. I haven't received results of the mammogram, but when they looked with the ultrasound they said all they see are normal lymph nodes. I started my period on Monday and the lump I went it to have checked got much smaller and less tender, so I'm just chalking it all up to hormones ... evil little bast***s.

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