one week after right total hip replacement.

Posted , 21 users are following.

well ,had some tiring good days where i have slowly but steadily been going upstairs and down stairs.

My raised toilet seat is in the upstairs bathroom as physio suggested that this would help with exercise.

Have noticed over the last couple of days that i have lots of bruising coming out on my knee,right up my thigh and to my inner thigh of operated leg.

My knee is also very badly swollen.i have been using icepacks on my knee and thigh.

Am resting as much as necessary,but combined with exercise is very limited due to knee swelling.

Any tips?Is this normal?confused

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29 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes I was really bruised on thigh also back of operated leg and swollen knee. Just rested took pain killers and it settled down in about 7-10 days.

    it was tiring for awhile I am 8months in and still have achy thigh and hip area if I have overdone it I am 69.

    take care guess we will get there it's much better since pain before op.


  • Posted

    Hi Michael. I agree with Annie.

    at one week post THR I too felt like I had been hit by a bus. Physio recommended walking ariund every hour. This was just too much for me, and I had a commode in the bedroom so that I didn't have to walk to the bathroom. The thought of going up/down a flight of stairs every time I needed the logo would have panicked me! Instead I did lots of resting, lots of elevating, took arnica 200c and loads of icing. At about day 11 I felt very different. My body began to feel ready to walk more, and in the last 3 days I have gone from struggling to walk 200 steps, to doing 2000 steps over 4 walks throughout the day.  I could probably push myself to do more, but my body needs me to be kind to it.

    of course we all react differently, and we all heal differently. This is just my experience.

    ive read so often on this forum how important it is to listen to your body, take it slowly ... It isn't a race. 

    Im starting to get it .....


  • Posted

    When my leg started bruising, I got worried and Googled post-op bruising. Some of the pix were far worse than mine and I realised it was normal. Your leg has been fairly thoroughly "assaulted" by those doctors during surgery and of course you're going to display the results of that for a few weeks.

    Swelling is also normal if you are not spending enough time with your leg elevated.

    Don't overdo things while you're still recovering from the physical trauma of the op...

  • Posted

    swelling ois normal - yes, the pressure they have to put on your leg to dislocate this huge joint is tremendous.  I am told ice is good for it, but I didn;t use any.

    Stairs are a great way of exercising the muscles, my physio even got me leading up with the operated leg just to strengthen it, and it worked wonders for me.

    I was told that good rest is as important as good exercise, so look after yourself

    I am 7 weeks today, and feeling good (at last), and have been given the green light to explore just how far I can push myself with bending, socks, shoelaces etc.

    I have been out for my first drive for 3 months, and it felt wonderful.


    • Posted

      Congrats - hope you could have the window(s) open! That sounds soooo good. Day 10 and begun to feel human (or at least of the species, except for a session on the loo when I felt I was birthing an alien).

      Abductors remain my nemesis but even there I am making progress and my mind has begun to turn to the world available if I could tackle the stairs)

      The discussion about swelling keeps coming up - wonder if it worth creating a resource heading for it ...

      It has been freezing rain off and on here over the last week (pretty in the sun, but I am glad to be indoors even though I would give a lot to take a drive somewhere - if I didn't need to do stairs and fold myself into the car!

    • Posted


      Thanks for that - Day 10, oh I remember, gettingmy dressing changed every couple of days because it was leaking so badly, walking around the supermarket for the first time ................ ah yes, how far i have come in a few short weeks.

      It gets better - see my logs for my two recoveries on my website if you need something to compare against (but you shouldn't compare yourself really).

      Graham - 🚀💃

  • Posted

    good morning Michael, 

    How are you doing?

    I agree with all comments already given - 

    Have you watched the THR surgery video yet? Not for the weak of stomach - There is a Virtual, sort of interactive, video on you tube as well and that one is less bloody and gruesome to watch and explains the "procedure" really well - 

    Once I watched it (then the virtual one just recently) I was in awe of what my body went through and how much healing is needed ...

    Be gentle with your self and know that all is well, 

    big warm hug



  • Posted

    Yes Michael, the swollen knee thing is common...I am 7 months post op...I went thru that..I even e-mailed my doctor I was so concerned....just keep that ice going and be takes awhile, but it will stop. Can you use Motrin at all? It helps with the inflammation after you're done with the heavy medication... I think we forget how brutal this surgery takes awhile...
  • Posted


    I had bilaterial hip replacement and I had the bruising you described on one leg.  It will go away very quickly.  However that leg continues to be the slower of the two to heal!

  • Posted

    I was congratulating myelf on not having single bruise on my second hip (two weeks ago) but I noticed when getting dressed this morning that my knee felt stiff. By juggling a couple of mirrors I discovered a greeny/purply/blackish cricket ball sized horror lurking behind my knee.

    I also had loads of swelling last time but am following the same rules this time by getting my feet up as much as possible while also walking around the house and down the lane with crutches.

    Healing takes time so you might as well indulge it. 

  • Posted

    Hi Michael I was very lucky and only had a small amount of swelling but

    just on the buttock and I found the best exercise was the bottom pinching

    which I found worked for me as it seemed to reduce the swelling but I did not have much. I would congratulate you on the fact that you are even

    looking for swellings one week after my op I could not have been

    bothered to even care if I was bruised swollen or whatever as I was totaly

    miserable and feeling sorry for myself but it was amazing that after

    another weeks recovery I felt so much better. Pat yourself on the back as

    you are doing great all you should remember is exercising and resting

    and don't get caught up in trying too hard you will mend at your own pace

    Take the advice of others on the site as they have all had similar

    swellings etc

    Take care and we'll done you

  • Posted

    Are you keeping ice on your hip? I also think to much going up and down stairs . I never had much bruising but I did have swelling diwn to my toes for s couple weeks!

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