One Year of Suffering
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I am 23 years old. I am a female. I have been having severe health issues for a year and I have been to almost every doctor. It all started with severe ovarian cyst ruptures that were so severe I had to go to the hospital at 3am. My gynecologist put me on birth control every day and assumed I had endometriosis. At that time I started having severe abdomen pain and severe pain throughout my diaphragm and under my ribs. I also got sick very easily and frequently got nauseas and dizzy. Two times I actually fainted. I have been losing weight because my body doesn't want to eat. The pain under my ribs and through my diaphragm hurts to breathe. They did every test and didn't find anything until my laparoscopy. They saw I had an inflamed and red diaphragm. Nobody could tell me why. I've had xray, hida scan, endoscopy, the scan, bloodwork, etc. Recently I tested positive for ANA and I went to an auto immune doctor...I have to find another one. She was crazy and said it's all in my head and diagnosed me with fribromialgia which I don't have any symptoms of. I plan on doing further testing for ANA. I am entirely lost and exhausted and suffering in pain and sickness every day. Work has become impossible. Any advice please please let me know.
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dee53012 brittany28
I am sorry you are having to deal with this at such a young age! the rheum doc should do an endocospy and a colonoscopy. The ANA was positive, you have something. Keep puching the doc.
Did you get the results of the blood? what did the doc test for? There are many autoimmune diseases, they didn't catch one of mine till I had a rash and they boipsied it and found polymyositis, it is rare. Have you been tested for Celiacs you dont have to have symptoms, but it can cause other illnesses if not caught.
I hope you figure this out soon! When do you see the new rheum?
brittany28 dee53012
I did have a endoscopy too. The doctor made it sound like a positive ANA doesn't mean anything and most of the time it isn't accurate. I have to do the bloodwork this week so I will find out. But at this point I don't trust her so I will do it but then I might go elsewhere. She said she has two specific tests but since she is so animate about me being false...I'm not sure what she's gonna do. My dog just went through surgery to remove a tumor on her spleen so I haven't had a chance to find a new rheumatology doctor yet. I live in Naples, FL and it is impossible to get appointments with many due to high volume of patients especially during the snow bird season. Thanks for responding!
dee53012 brittany28
You are welcome!
"The doctor made it sound like a positive ANA doesn't mean anything and most of the time it isn't accurate"
your doctor is an incompetent boob. i had one doc that was blatently incompetent as well, i am still mad at her. I told her I was having weird pain in my shoulders when I riased my arms up. She behaved as a rude and snotty, angry little child. It took me 3 years to find out i have polymyositis because she refused to do a draw. Many docs did along the way.
Keep pushing till you can find a doc who is courious and cares. they are rare for sure.
Sorry for all the snowbirds! but I wish I were one of them. Lots of rain here in the NW corner of WA State this time of year, but I am glad we don't have alligators 🐊 and snakes🐍! i can't imagine waking to once of those in my yard.
margaret22116 brittany28
brittany28 margaret22116
I don't have the rashes of lupus but a lot of the other symptoms match. Is it possible to not have all symptoms of auto immune disorders? Ive read about a lot and its hard to match up my symptoms. Thanks for the info. I am going to try to find someone this week.
margaret22116 brittany28
brittany28 margaret22116
I keep listening to my body.
I've noticed I have these symptoms too...
My knees are so painful, yes I work hard (work at a zoo)but I've never had this much pain in my knees and my legs ache and feel numb and restless.
I get many moments of feeling severely nauseas. Right now in my upper chest and stomach I feel entirely sick and like i could vomit
Standing or laying or sitting.....Nothing helps
Still searching for an auto immune doctor