One year on the 28th November

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What a difference a year makes.  I had my surgery on the 28th November 2015 at that point I could not walk to the end of my drive and was taking massive doses of Ibrufen.  In fairness, I had a very easy ride, up the next day, suppassed all goals and walked out with just one crutch three days later.  I was driving at one month and slowly walking the dogs on the beach throughout January. I had no additional physio support, but they had equipped me well with a marvoulous book of exercises to follow, a brilliant leg lifter and an exercise ball, and I did those exercises religiously, that  I am convinced is the key. 

I went through all the usual problems, first was not making it to the loo in time after the Catheter (that lasted nearly six weeks) not being to lie on my side, and when I did, I got stuck!  Very swollen knee (not bruised) which lasted many months, and is still larger than the other knee, some minor pain, muscle ache, took me forever to walk up the stairs properly redface  and I still won't risk kneeling.  But, all in all life has changed, I can litterally do anything, the knee is now completely healed no pain, no problems and unless I notice the scar, I seldom think about it.  It can be difficult at the beginning, but as long as you do the exercises you will get there, and a few months down the line you will be so pleased at the results.  My only advice to those about to embark on this journey is, check if your Physio provides you with a leg lifter right at the beginning, if not, buy one, take it to hospital with you, it will be your best friend and make everything easier and it speeds up being able to move off the bed, lying on your side, getting in and out of cars, the gadget is pure genious!  For those who do not know this gadget it looks like a stiff lead/leash with a loop on the end and it lifts your leg into position without pain.cheesygrin

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6 Replies

  • Posted


    in the same boat on 30th Nov 2015 - I think you have a typo with the date ?

    good comments though

    best wishes

    Jude UK

  • Posted

    so pleased for you liz that you have your life back . yes doing your excersises is key to getting on your feet and staying there .  but just to say some of us on here have not been so lucky !! no matter how much time we spend on excersises and physio things wont improve anytime soon .we sometimes are looked at differently and people that dont understand think that we are  a result of not doing your excersises !! which is not the case .!!!!! i myself spent 12mths in physio after my bi lateral and since my revision i spent 9mths in physio and now im doing the gym 3 times a week trying to strenghten this leg ,im hoping that someday il not feel this metal in this leg im 15mths post revision and still the leg has that metal feeling not quiet my own leg yet . DONT GET ME WRONG LIZ IM NOT TRYING TO SAY YOU THINK LIKE THIS . im just having a moan on this wet windy saturday in november !!!
    • Posted

      Hey Linda

      I didn't see you post; have just posted a similar note to yours - am 15 months post left tkr and have religiously done and still do my exercises as well as going to knee classes and riding my bike daily. Still feels awful! What to do?

      I think some of us are just unlucky?!


    • Posted

      yes i agree tracey all we can do is keep at it ,i dont wannt to give up on it ,but i think im fighting a losing battle redface .on 6th of december im going to get to my 3rd anniversary of my bi lateral ,my left knee is doing fine in fact this knee has been totally ignored because of the right knee been such a problem .the left is a complete sucess ,but i never got to enjoy the recovery and just the fact the leg feels good !! if only we were like dogs able to keep the problem one up !!! lol !!!!!!!!!! lets hope it improves in time .
  • Posted

    Hi Liz

    Well your piece confirms what I have been saying on this Web site. Complete recovery takes 12-18 months so don't rush and do your exercises. Good to hear that you have done so well. I am 11weeks post TKR and the knee is working well, minimal pain but a little sore. It is vastly better than the excruciating pain I used to get before the op.



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