Ongoing headache/pain

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As I was going to sleep last Thursday night I felt a headache coming on. I was able to get to sleep without issue but woke early Friday morning with the headache in full force. The pain is focused on my left temple and at varying times extends down my jaw and to the top of my head (left side). I took a combination of paracetamol and ibuprofen on Friday and it went away fairly quickly. I felt nauseous for about 30 minutes that evening but it passed as soon as I ate something. I took another dose of paracetamol and ibuprofen just to be safe that night and woke up Saturday feeling fine until the evening when the pain came back. Since then paracetamol and ibuprofen haven't been able to touch it. The pain continued non-stop until Tuesday when after taking paracetamol and aspirin (switching out the ibuprofen) it seemed to clear up. I felt a pressure all day but it was largely pain free until I went to sleep that night and I woke up a few hours later with the exact same pain again. So it's now Wednesday and I'm still in pain. I have no other symptoms whatsoever. I read that migraines usually last between 4 and 72 hours with accompanying nausea but I haven't had any nausea apart from those 30 minutes on Friday evening. It varied from severe to dull but it was affecting my sleep. I'm sure it isn't sinus related because I don't have a cold or any other symptoms. The only time I've ever had an ongoing headache like this is because of sinus issues, but this isn't it I'm sure because I feel 100% fine otherwise. I feel better today and it's no longer severe but it's still there. I can always feel a pressure. I don't have any pain opening my jaws but it somehow feels like it could be the jaw joint.

I'm a 25 y/o male. I get maybe one or two headaches per month but they're never an issue, just regular headaches. I've never once had a migraine as far as I know in the traditional sense of pain being accompanied by nausea, dizziness, vision issues, etc.

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    I'm sorry that I can't offer anything better than this, but please bear in mind that sinus problems CAN be causing pain, even though you're not experiencing any cold/flu like symptoms. They can sometimes hang around, causing a nuisance. Go and see your GP/primary care Dr, it helps to have a copy of what you're dealing with, so you don't miss anything. I hope you feel better soon.
  • Posted

    Hello...I don't know if it's related but I had an ongoing headache for weeks on one side and flared up going to bed and upon waking up. I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with occipital neuralgia...which is just an inflamed nerve....I was put on Neurontin and it cleared up in about two weeks. Sounds kind of like what I was dealing with.
  • Posted

    This time of the year a lot of headaches are caused by pollen. It affects the sinuses. The first time I had this type if headache I was 22--- it was so bad I was convinced I had something really awful. Try steam. You can also make tomato tea---- not as vile as it sounds. 3/4 mug tomato juice, 2 teaspoons lemon juice, 1 teaspoon Tabasco sauce, 1 clove of garlic crushed into it. You can add a piece of crushed or chopped ginger if you like it. Warm the drink and drink 2 mugs of this 2 hours apart. If it cures your headache it was sinus related. 
    • Posted

      Thanks, but I have very mild hayfever and have never suffered a headache due to pollen, especially one that would last a week?

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