Ongoing menopausal symptoms
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Hi just wanted people to be aware if they have ongoing menopausal symptoms for more than 2 years it needs investigation. Mine went on about 4-5 years and I regularly went to the Doctors about it. It turned out for the last 2 years I had had carcinosarcoma of the uterus. Needless to say it had spread. So ladies if your symptoms continue insist on a full examination and dont be like me and just accept that a GP always ios right despite logic telling me the time scale was all wrong for ongoing menopausal symptoms.
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sabrina1971 Actiquser
Sending you good wishes dealing with this.
lynda20916 Actiquser
I'm so sorry to learn about this! Just recently on this site a young woman posted that her gp insisted she was "too young" to have endometrial cancer and refused to investigate her long term bleeding. I think any long term bleeding needs to be thoroughly tested out, no matter no matter what the status of a woman's menses is thought to be!
Please know that you're in my prayers!
Guest Actiquser
lana07071 Actiquser
Guest lana07071
Sharing smyptoms would scare some of us to death, because some symtoms of other things, could be the same. It would put me in panic mold...But I could close eyes and read the rest for the sake of others. Thats why I don't google stmptoms anymore :-(
natalie86711 Guest
debbie75601 Actiquser
Please share the symptoms you were having. How are you being treated? My thoughts and prayers are with you 🙏🏻??
Geegemiai Actiquser
The symptoms were simply the on going sweating and night sweats, lethargy and not sleeping well, putting on a little weight around my middle and menstrual cycles irregular and stopped. This went on for about 4 years and it was only at the final stages that I developed a slight serous discharge and had a massive bleed. Befor the bleeding started I sat in the sun one day was chilled to the bone and exhausted and knew I was unlikely to see another change of seasons. I just knew I was seriously ill.
With hindsight these are also indicators for cancer the night sweats and the lethargy and length of time it had gone on. When I had the massive bleed it just confirmed to me uterine cancer befor the GP refered me. Having a massive bleed did not put me up the queue for investigation my GP should have had me admitted immediatly. When I was operated it was carcinosarcoma the most aggressive high grade cancer and it had spread and I has had it about 2 years according to the surgeon. It has a high mortality and I was not expected to survive. The menopausal symptoms with my radical hysterectomy were worse so it questions why I had ongoing symptoms for so long and this was attributed to my cancer. After the first few visits there was a failure to examine my abdomen/ uterus both externally and internally. An internal examination with palpation of the uterus would have shown a "bulky uterus" and a need for urgent referal to a gynaecologist much earlier. I was always cancer aware due to being at risk of breast cancer. This started when I was 47. I have had gruelling cancer treatment suffered about every horrendous side effect including having my small bowel remove due to raditherapy, have pelvic radiation disease, short bowel syndrome, lymphodema, pulmonary emboli, spontaneous fractured vertebrae and ongoing pain, but I have survived. I am not telling my story to scare you, only to make you aware if the symptoms go on longer than 2 years then there may well be another underlying cause of these and alternatives require to be considered. Due to the length of my symptoms I was never convinced they were due to the menopause.
Thank You for all the good wishes
lana07071 Actiquser
Actiquser lana07071
Dear Iana,
I am so pleased to hear all your tests are negative and also that you have had all these tests. I was never offered them, by the time I was I didn't need them to tell me I had cancer I knew. My ca 125 was well elevated. You are fortunate to have had a few transvaginal tests and being well looked after, better safe than sorry. It was when I went past the 2 year mark it just didn't add up.
Thanks for the virtual hug it is most welcome. I do hope your symptoms clear up soon, the menopause is not easy but you do come out the other end. A big warm hug to you too and all others who replied. xxx
lynda20916 Actiquser
Thank you so much for coming forward and sharing your story with us! I can't imagine what you have gone through! By letting us, and other women who will come to this site for help, know what happened to you, you have given us valuable information and inspiration as well. You did us all a great honor. I am very thankful for and humbled by your gift.
Please continue to keep in touch with us, we will be so glad to hear from you and to know how you are doing!
I wish you joy and happiness in the life you fought so hard to retain. May God bless you and keep you in His care. xxx
looloo43 Actiquser
Dear Actiquser, I am so sorry to hear your story. Thankyou for being so kind & thoughtful of sharing your story with us all on here. In this day & age when gp's & hospitals are under so much pressure, it really needs us to be self aware of our bodies & changes that are simply not right, & push for tests, investigations etc alot of the time. we shouldn't have to , but many of us do.
I wish you all the very best & thankyou again. xxx
maisie05 Actiquser
You will have helped a lot of us to not ignore signs from our bodies and press for further tests when we feel something is not right. Me included.
Thank you xxx
metamorphed Actiquser
hi actiquser, sorry to read this! We never know when to overreact to symptoms and go to the doctor or if we should 'see if it passes', it is such a confusing time and I for one, have been made to feel like an idiot when I ask doctors to do certain tests again after a couple of months. How are we supposed to tell, really? can I ask you if the ongoing sweats etc., were after your period had already stopped for a year, when you had reached one full year without periods? Did the sweats continue for another 4 years. I feel that your doctor should have investigated this sooner. Again, we are led to believe that it is different for every woman and that the uncomfortable sweats etc. can affect women for years after, but this doesn't seem right and should not have been ignored in your case. xx
Actiquser metamorphed