Ongoing neck gland pain

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It's been nearly 8 months since my mono diagnosis & although I am feeling a lot better than I was, I am suffering with one sided neck pain. I think the pain is coming from lymph glands in under my jaw & it does feel mildly swollen.

Strange thing is, this particular gland hasn't bothered me until now so my anxiety is returning thinking that perhaps this isn't normal.

Has anyone else experienced this?

Gill x

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Gill,

    Oh these lymph nodes in the neck can be so awfully sore, tender and irritating through this virus. As have mentioned before many times I'm sure I had one particular node in my neck which was sore throughout, and lingered even as I started to feel better. So just want to encourage you and to reassure you, don't panic if a lymph node in your neck is still sore even as you are generally starting to feel a bit better, I went through exactly the same and it did settle down completely with some time, in that first year or two there were still some twinges or maybe felt it when I had a cold or something like that but generally it did settle down and got to the stage where it wasn't troublesome at all anymore.

    Very much hoping that this will be the case for you too Gill, of course it's always wise to check in with the doc on these things if concerned but just wanted to reassure you that this can be very normal as you recover from mono and that it is something that in the vast majority of cases settles with time.

    Glad to hear that you have been making some progress overall, your body will continue to improve and get stronger over the coming period, stay strong and don't give up, better times ahead, believing that the worst of this is behind you!

    Craig x

    • Posted

      Thank you so much Craig for the reassurance, you really are a god send. Other than occasional draining fatigue & these gland issues, I feel back to my normal self thankfully. I just need these glands to settle so I can relax about things. I've spent some time this evening reading some posts on this site & it seems to be a common issue so hopefully it is all normal. Going to continue with ibuprofen for now & hopefully it'll settle soon - not sure I can cope with another doctors visit!

      How are you doing? Last time you said you had been improving, hope that's still the case?. Thanks again for your kindness.

      Gill x

    • Posted

      Hi Gill,

      Oh I know the the feeling of not feeling like you can face another doctor's visit, it can be so draining and stressful, especially if you feel that the doctor's are not always being as helpful or supportive as they could which I know is the case for many going through this virus unfortunately. Of course though don't hesitate to go to see them if any concerns or unsure about anything.

      Yes most definitely this can be a very normal thing with the lingering lymph node pain / discomfort / weirdness during recovery, hoping very much everything settles down soon and glad to hear that overall you are seeing real progress in your recovery, that is great news.

      Thanks for asking how I've been doing too Gill, that is very kind and much appreciated. Yes God has been helping me and blessing me a lot things have been more settled, still just taking things one day at a time and just looking to the Lord to help and strengthen and guide me through things and to move forward in my life. I remember for sure when going through glandular fever and other tough times you realise just how reliant we are on God for everything and how much I know I have taken things for granted.

      Hoping for good health and peace and joy ahead for you Gill - I'm believing in that for you thanks to God!


  • Posted

    yes this is normal for this crazy virus. I am near month 16 and my lymph nodes in my neck are still not back to normal. From month 8ish I started having pain and swelling from the ones in my groin area off and on for about 3-4 months. The good news is most of us hit hard see the most improvement from month 9-15. Try not to stress about little reoccurences of odd symptoms it just prolongs your recovery. Feel free to click on my name to see what i went through. I WOULD SAY I AM ABOUT 90 % baxk to myself now and not sure if it gets much better at my over 50 age. Hang in there it will get better for you

    • Posted

      Thank you for your kind words & for sharing your experience. Are your lymph nodes still sore? It's so odd how this virus causes this to happen months after the acute symptoms, the gland I am having trouble with was fine until recently.

      I hope you reach 100% recovery soon very soon!


    • Posted

      I can not say that i had any neck lymph pain if i did it was very slight but come to think of it right around the time i got sick my groin nodes were really sore especially the fact i kept poking and feeling of them made it worse. It is definitely weird that everyone has different reactions to the virus and different symptoms or the same symptoms that happen at different times in the recovery. My stomach has been messed up the whole 5 months with pain no appetite diahrea constipated but not blocked up and so on but i do not see to many other people that have that. I will be very happy the day i wake up feeling refreshed. I may just stay in bed and try to make a baby all day to celebrate. lol So hard to stay positive and keeping pushing forward, but we all must try i have found my garden has calmed me and given me something to look forward to everyday after work and the weekends i have planted everything in Gods creation stuff that i do not even eat just because it makes me feel better like i accomplished something even though planting a few plants a day is small i know december-march i would not have been able to do it. I guess the only way to climb a mountain is small steps.

    • Posted

      Gill, yes mine in my neck(3-4) still are a little larger than normal still and do get sore from time to time. Sleep wrong or strenuous work still irritate mine. Remember that they are connected and it is a long healing process. Everyone here has had the gloom and doom feelings and of course we think it is something deadly due to the fact that people even doctors are not educated properly on this crazy virus. My biggest gain was to finally accept in my mind to let whatever was going to happen....happen and accept this as part of me for now. After 4-5 months I actually gave myself a 12 month plan to heal and feel better to try to take the constant negative pressure off my mind. I have had to prolong that to 18 months, buts it ok because i can tell i am getting to my goal. Craig has also helped my outlook and he is a blessing to all of us! I still am taking 1000 mg lysine, vitamin c,vitamin d b12 and try to drink plenty of water each day along with saying prayers for my healing along with everyone that posts here. We all need encouragement to push through this and i hope when you are well again you have time to come back here just to give some compassion back to someone in need. chris

    • Posted

      Hi Cjay,

      So pleased to hear that you have been feeling a good bit better, even at 90% you will continue to improve over the next while that was my experience for sure, so hang in there. It's such an awful virus and thanks for the encouraging words for everyone, you're so right that trying to avoid stress as much as possible helps during recovery and not to overdo things, but it's so hard also because the virus in itself is a terrible stress and burden.

      But as you say things do get better, and just want to encourage anyone finding it tough today or going through a low spell not to give up hope, because it just takes time with this thing sometimes unfortunately but there is recovery and there is good health and a full life after even going through many months of suffering with this virus. Just grateful that God is a healing and merciful God.

      Hoping things continue to improve and look up for you over the coming period Cjay!


    • Posted

      Hey Josh,

      You're so right that this virus can affect different people in different ways, some people can be more bothered by one symptom or set of symptoms and for another person it can be another area that is the most troublesome. The fatigue and longevity seem to be a common factor for the majority of people, yet even that can be different for some people.

      It's important to find something that you enjoy and that helps de-stress Josh, I think planting some plants sounds like a really positive and good thing to do and there is something about connecting with nature that can bring peace and solace during tough times, so I definitely think that sounds like a worthwhile and great thing to do!

      It is just small steps sometimes with this Josh but hang in there, you will get there with it and don't panic because you will get there and get back to full health again, just remember not to overdo things at work and make sure you incorporate some rest and de-stress time too!


    • Posted

      Thanks so much for the kind words Chris, there is real wisdom in what you say about patience and acceptance during this virus. It's not easy at all, finding a balance between accepting that things are maybe not great at the moment and it can sometimes take time to recover, but also not to lose hope and keep believing that you will get better because that's so important always! So it's just accepting things as they are now but also holding onto the knowledge and belief in your heart that with time things will get better. So hard not to put a timescale on things I know, that can have positives and negatives as everyone's recovery timescale is different and is not possible to pre-empt.

      Thanks Chris I love your words about compassion and helping others going through this - I know how much others helped me and how much I needed the help of others through this so you're right it's so important that we take time to encourage and help each other, especially to remind everyone experiencing the worst phase of this just now that things will get better and that this doesn't last forever, and that there is life and full health again even after the deepest and most painful experiences of mono.


    • Posted

      Did any pf yall have lasting stomach problems through the virus ? I swear it seems like my spleen is still swollen or something my upper left abdomen still is tender and hurts sometimes. Also my back but not sure if i pulled a muscle or something its close to my spine about even with the bottom of my shoulder blade.

    • Posted

      I've read quite a few people talk about stomach and digestive issues during the virus Josh, for me thankfully it wasn't one of the main symptoms although I know that generally I just didn't feel well overall and it was a long time ago so it's hard to remember exactly all the symptoms I had at different stages.

      It certainly can be very normal to get glandular pain and strange feelings in that upper left quadrant area, I know that doctors can check through a general outward examination if the spleen or anything is swollen so maybe worth doing that. But having pain in that area doesn't in a lot of cases mean that the spleen is swollen or anything, for me and probably most cases it is just the pain coming from the glands in that area, it's a bit like the body's nerve centre of the glandular system that area so it's normal to have discomfort and strange feelings there through the virus and in most cases, horrible as it is, it is nothing to panic about and something that will disappear and go away over time as you recover.

      Josh I want to reassure you that in my experience certainly, this phase you are going through just now - that first 3 to 4 to 5 months - were by far the worst and most intense, it felt like my body was taking a beaten every day during that time from what I remember, but truly this does pass and things will enter into a more settled phase as time goes on and your body starts to recover - hang in there I know it's not easy and so physically, mentally and emotionally when dealing with the intensity of the symptoms every day, but hold on Josh it will pass - and remember I know I keep emphasising it but absolutely take time to rest, de-stress and look after yourself at this time, it's so important and really can help the recovery process come along much more smoothly.

      Still thinking about you Josh and believing in your recovery - God heals and is going to restore you and get you back to full health again with a little time, I truly believe that in my heart Josh hang in there.


    • Posted

      Oh man, I'm glad I have come across your reply Clidecjay. I, too, can relate to the ones in mg groin area. Again, I'm so glad I came across tour reply.

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