ongoing pain after gallbladder removal

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I had my gallbladder out last week after 6 months of constant pain, time off work and inability to eat anything more than soup and toast. Here I was, expecting an instant change as all others I had spoken to had reported. Sadly I'm left experiencing the same griping pain after eating even the lightest of 'meals' . I realise it takes time for the body to adjust but I anticipated the pain would have lessened at the least!

I'd appreciate any advice or comments as I feel just about at the end of my tether!

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Helloflowersgirl72. I had a similar problem. It appeared I had some gravel left in the bile duct. I was hospitalised on one occasion. The consultant said if I hadn't had my gall bladder removed he would be quickly removing it! It's a common problem that eventually rectifies itself.
    • Posted

      I really hope so, I was so looking forward to eating a decent meal after the op!
    • Posted

      Hi again. I was just wondering how long the problem lasted with you and if you did anything to help it along.

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