Only 21 please help.
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Is it normal to have blood in my stool for 4 days straight? I am very worried of cancer. My neck feels stiff. And i'm scared. I've had this neck nodules under my jawline for a week now. Not sure where did it come from but i went to the gp to check if there's anything abnormal and he stated that nothing out of the ordiary even though i can physically feel it. I've been pooping stool mixed with blood. Almost likr bright red or maroon. And i also have this stomach pain throughout my whole tummy. Going to a specialist next month. What if i waited that long and what if i had cancer in the bowel or neck, i'm just freaked out. I want to live life, have kids, see my brother and parents grow older. This makes me very very sad and anxiety is also not good. Kinds words and support would be greatly appreciated.
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mike09523 barry07472
The problem with having to wait for tests is that the imagination runs riot. Yes, you may have cancer, but more likely you may have internal piles. That would just as easily explain blood in stools. Swollen glands and a stiff neck could be a cause for concern, but again could also be a sign that the body is fighting a virus .If your GP is concerned that it all points to cancer then they would act much quicker. If you cannot wait for nhs appointmen could you pay for a private consultation , then depending on the results go back to nhs for treatment.
Good luck to you whatever and remember that the C word no longer means the end.
barry07472 mike09523
michellemybell barry07472
HI ya
You may have polyps growing I'm your bowel I had them and it's quite common.
To check for these it's a colonoscopy ro have a look round the bowel if they see any they remove them.
If it's any concelation when I went to the hospital the specialist told me that mist bowel conditions are nit cancerous and the Ives that are if they caught early they are 100% treatable.
Your very young to have bowel cancer too.
So try not worry I know it's hard but worrying don't solve anything.
Also tour jaw pain is probably caused by the stress of worrying from everything else thats going on.
I also worry to no end about everything and esp cancer.
So I get Headaches joint pains and all sorts 😓😓😓
I'm sure everything will be ok xxx if u need a chat I'm here as I totally understand where your coming from
barry07472 michellemybell
Thanks michelle, that's very kind of you. I just have a feeling that something is wrong. I don't feel pain or anything but only have some blood in my stools. And maybe a little stiff joints here and there.
xaurelius barry07472
One thing to note, I have a lot of blood in my stool because I don't drink enough water.
If it's bright red, it means you have a hemmeroid and it's usually no concern at all.
I've been completely worried
about my neck, and I've had blood work done and the whole 9 yards and it came up clean.
Just go to your doctor and get tests done, I'm 18 so I can say you're still young and there's nothing to worry about lol.
barry07472 xaurelius
I did a blood test last friday and the go told me that my blood count seems fine. He just referred me to a specialist because he said maybe someone more specialized in this area can help me. But he did check my neck area and armpit area for any lumps etc but he couldn't find anything. After i met my gp, i went home and started pooping blood. That was scary. It's been like this for 4 days. Some blood in the stools
amy988 barry07472
JoyKF53 barry07472