Only help with sleep!

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Hi all,

Four months ago I started on 15 mirtazapine to help with anxiety.

After four weeks increased to 30.

I have to say that I feel more anxious although I now sleep well not having done so for years.

After reading of the dreadful suffering of others as they try to stop this drug I really feel that I should not be taking it.

So for the past 2 nights I have taken 15 instead of 30 and I hope to remain on this dose for about 4 weeks before going down to 7.5.

Today I am feeling exhausted and although I have lots of things I need to do I can not be bothered to move!

Do you think that this is due to the lower dose and I will improve after a few days or is it because the lower dose is more sedating?

I will be very grateful for your advice please.

Best wishes to all who are struggling at this time.

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    for some reason for me. as soon as the doese was increased i got anxiety and could not sleep.  i stuck it out until i saw the dr. and then went down to 22.5

    i was also exhausted.  now i am down to 15, but still having problems.  i can't sleep.  if you are sleeping well on 15 i would stay there for awhile, that is if you are feeling okay.  i wouldn't rush to get off it, considering what the others are going through.  my dr. says there should be no problem gett ing off the drug, but it sure looks like that is not the case.  sorry, i am not much help, just giving you my experience

    • Posted

      Hi Suzie,

      Thank you very much for sharing your experience.

      I am sorry to hear you do not sleep well.

      I consider myself lucky that for now I can sleep much better than previously.

      I hope you will soon feel better.

    • Posted

      thank you sunbird.  i just got something else from the doctor for sleep.. but i am afraid to take it.  it's kind of new and is used for serious mentalillness in larger doses.  never read the paper that comes with the medication
  • Posted

    ..."Do you think that this is due to the lower dose and I will improve after a few days or is it because the lower dose is more sedating?"...

    Personally, YES to first part of that question (but keep in mind the fact you had anxiety PRIOR to starting on the drug. Plus reading of others negative experiences may (just MAY) be having a placebo kind of effect. Meaning thinking of X may result in one getting x (aka self fulfilling prophesy of sorts).

    *Stabilise; meaning body adjusts after a certain amount of time according to starting on drug, changes in doses and coming off drug. Note, its the coming off that for me (and others) is the most challenging. Resentfully termed 'withdrawal'.

    If you can, keep a daily diary noting each and every change in symptom and severity etc. You'll then have something to baseline with as you either stay on mirtazapine/Remeron or reduce down and stabilise or reduce down and ultimately ween off.


    Only my humble opinions..

    Seek formal medical advice if required.

    Regards and good wishes, Karl

    • Posted

      Hi Karl,

      I really appreciate your advice,thank you.

      I am reading all the information I can and I agree about 'the placebo effect' .It is a good idea to keep a journal and I shall begin tomorrow.

      Thanks Karl.

  • Posted

    Hi Sunbird,

    Glad to hear you are sleeping well - that's gotta be most helpful for you (me too on 15 mg Mirt).

    Just wondering - were you ok on 15 mg?  Also, why was it necessary to up the dose to 30 mg?

    Don't be too put off from what you read on here Mirt has been a life saver for me, started last September.  I stayed on 15mg which helped me sleep too and therefore solved my previous (before Mirt) anxiety.

    If it helps - a lot of folk on this forum who up the dose have said that they suffer anxiety as a result - albeit temporarily.  Just wonder if this could be so for you?  

    Best wishes.

    • Posted

      Hi Calmer,

      Many thanks for your reply.

      I am so glad to know that you are having good results from mirtazapine and it is interesting that you have remained on 15mg.

      There was really no reason to increase my dose to 30mg but my GP seemed to think that this was the usual way to go!

      I was ok on 15mg and I hope that in time I can adjust and remain on this dose for a while.

      Did you gain weight Calmer?

      I have only gained 5lbs but would not want to gain any more!

      Thanks again for sharing your experience.

    • Posted

      Hi Sunbird

      From my understanding, doctors start low and make their way up the doses for depression - HOWEVER changed doses rapidly, i.e. doubling it from 15 to 30 is a big jump and folk on here have often said it is unsettling ~ like you they suffer from anxiety with the increase ~ maybe it settles in time.

      I sure did gain weight, 19 lbs in all, I was always ravenously hungry and my willpower crumbled 100%, craving carbs and all the things I don't usually eat.  I think the craving has levelled a little now, hoping cake stops flowing my way and chocolate that everyone bought me for my birthday recently has all gone now, so watch this space !!

      Best wishes Sunbird


    • Posted

      Thanks very much for your helpful post Calmer.

      I too love chocolate and cake.

      I like to bake but recently did not have the energy!

      I have felt a bit better today but I feel my stuff is nothing when comared with others here.

      Hope you have had a good day Calmer.

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