Open ligation h'ectomy & skin tag removal

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Hey all.

I have another discussion on here back when I had a fissure but a lot has happened since then and I'm looking advice from everyone that has had this done please. Please help me and others as much as you can.

Yesterday I had 'Limited open Ligation h'ectomy' I had 2 skin tags removed, I had a fissure which they discovered hadn't healed properly and had developed a 'tunnel' under the skin so they have reopened this so it heals up again. They also thought I had a haemorrhoid that needed removed but what they discovered was a growth which they have cut away and sent for testing.

My main concern now is that I am terrified of going for my first BM. I did an enema yesterday morning before surgery. Since then I have eaten 3 slices of brown toast, 3 rich tea biscuits, I had some bone broth which I had made but threw it up straight after I finished the bowl....maybe it was too rich for my stomach??

Today I ate a cup of Pineapple and tonight I had some cooked pepper, mushroom and Spinach. I have had one litre of water all day.

I have vitamins that I researched to be good for recovery but I'm too scared to even take those (magnesium, zinc, vit c, Cod liver oil, Arnica, coq10)

Can anyone give me advice on my first BM? I'm starting to get pains down there now but I'm avoiding pain killers as they constipated.

Has anyone else had my procedure done? Please tell me everything that helped you through it. Thank you!

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Ouch ! That sounds awful ! .... don't know whether this will be of any use to you & I may be stating the obvious but I had a sphincterectomy back in January & although not as grim as what you have got I was still terrified to go for BM the next day , I ended up running a very hot bath & actully passing BM in the hot water , sounds grim I know & it is however it really helped ! ... once you have done the first one you won't be so scared ! ... good luck !

    • Posted

      Thank you Helen I might try that when it comes to it as I'm starting to have a lot of discomfort now and I haven't even gone yet. I'm 27 now and have lived with this for around 10 years now. I just want a normal life so hopefully this will give me that in the long term!

  • Posted

    I am just suggesting u...bcoz I had tried it yesterday...apply Smuth cream inside anus before going to makes easy to pass without pain but there will be little bit of burning sensation for one hour or 2 hrs.Take sitz bath immediately if you can't bare burning sensation...(in water add salt) .Try eating rotis ( without oil)at nyt if it suitable for making soft stools for u.Take 2 spoons of duphalac oral solution after dinner with 2 or 3 glasses of water.make sure u drink more water after solution....avoid pain killers as much as u can..avoid non veg ,masalas

  • Posted

    Hey Em,

    How'd everything come out? Every next BM terrifies me.

    I,ve tried most everyones suggestions, including Helen's poop

    soup bath tub recipe, which actually worked much better than

    expected. I try anything where i stick some ointment or such in my

    Anus, cuz one on my main issues is right there. And now ive diarrhea

    Due to laxatives offset the pain meds. I need to go for last hour, but

    holding until last second cuz my last one was so bad. sad

    • Posted

      Oh kinsey never hold it in...that causes constipation!!

      I haven't touched laxatives at all, I have been trying to do this naturally through my diet including Prunes, fresh pineapple - including the core, bone broth soup, coconut water and vitamins. I have been twice now and it is painful but it afterwards that is worse for me. I am still bleeding...and what upsets me the most is how I look down there sad

      I am only taking my antibiotics and Ibrupofen when I need it because painkillers cause constipation. Please try and stop using the laxatives and do this naturally through your diet - coconut water is a great natural laxative!

    • Posted

      Had no idea that waiting would cause constipation. And I will definitely get to the store and try to get some pineapple, coconut milk comma prunes even though I'm not quite sure I can stomach this comma and try to go for it Les OTC laxative.

    • Posted

      I understand. The leading and bleeding is bad enuff, but mine looks like an angry trip to Arbys. I'm beginning to feel exhausted and just want it to be over.

    • Posted

      Get coconut WATER not milk!

      When you hold on going to the toilet it messes up your system....not only that but when you do go the pressure is worse therefore making it more difficult for your wounds.

      Make sure anything you do eating you chew chew and CHEW some more to help digestion.

      Is there a lot of blood for you? I have had some but not loads and my nurse said if there was a lot of bleeding to go to the hospital...if you are bleeding loads please go see you GP as it shouldn't be a lot.

      Are you drinking lots of water?

      I had a look and down there looks terrible sad I had hoped I would look normal again but I don't think I will is a mess down there now.

    • Posted

      I thought it was a lot of blood, several tablespoons, but the nurse giggled and said "no honey, that's nothing even close to worry about". But I do need to drink more water.

      I've looked backed there too, and I am doubtful it will look normal again too. (And it wasn't all THAT pretty to begin with.

    • Posted

      Hey Kinsey it's been 5 days since your last post how are you?

      I think I'm getting a little better. Yesterday was a bad day though I was in a lot of pain after a BM and had to take Ibrupofen. I find it very difficult to get clean after the toilet. I'm still leaking some blood but not much and I still look terrible down there sad

    • Posted

      Sorry Em,

      I've had a bit of a setback. It's gotten a little more painful and I have a yellow discharge. I have an appointment tomorrow to get it looked at so hopefully it's just something minor.

      Recommendations for cleaning up after a BM, jump right in the shower and use the hand sprayer to help spray all the nooks and crannies clean. If you don't have one run to the nearest PetSmart or Walmart and spend 20 bucks and buy a dog sprayer to hook to your shower faucet I guarantee it'll be the best money you ever spent.

      You may want to ask your Dr about some lidocane cream to apply before a BM, or try using Vaseline to create a barrier and help it slide out 😊

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