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Was on 45g for 2 years and 30g prior. Down to 7.5g in 6 weeks. Doc said stop completely. Not brave enough! 7.5g first week and alternate or so next.
Anyway feeling fine, No probs. Slight irreg sleeping patterns and a bit of a ming-gong, one day, but nothing extoardinare.
One little tip for those that rely on mirt for sleep and want to reduce is:- the eves when you go to bed and are tired..don't take anything, if you wake up give yourself an hour or so- watch telly, radio etc restless legs, pacing etc. Take one half of normal dose. Sleep guaranteed.. 2 or 3 hrs later ok prob bizarre dreams, but still sleep, good enough for the next day. Take it from there!
It really does get better, Heather.
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Calmer heather24936
2 years on MIRT is after all considered long term, & trusting your instincts & knowing your own body (& mind) as you're saying has to be the right way.
May you continue to do as well as you have so far - I hope the 7.5 to zero is as plain sailing as it has been so far. Hope you stay with us to tell your story / very interesting as most folk appear to take a lot longer.
Wishing you well Heather
susansasha Calmer
Calmer susansasha
You don't say how long you were taking Mirt' for but it definately sounds like the withdrawal from Mirt' - even after 3 months. Awful isn't it to get this far and still have similar symptoms to when you first started taking it ! Insomnia will cause anxiety in some people, me included, others just feel groggy - I wouldn't mind the groggy so much would you !
Normal sleep pattern takes time to come back for most after Mirt' as our brains have got used to the sleep aid and need time to readjust and the slower we withdraw the better able our brains are to readjust (aledgedly !). One lady on here this week said she just reads for an hour when she can't get back to sleep - by which time she feels tired again and goes back to sleep - the worst thing for us is to lay in bed "trying hard" to get to sleep, vicious circle, so maybe get a few easy books for a while?
I hope your sleep returns soon, and wish you well x
april58107 heather24936
Calmer april58107
Wishiong you well x