Oral Sex & Prostatitis
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I've noticed there are plenty of accounts of Prostatitis following oral sex - including mine. 12 months ago I received oral sex and a couple of weeks later I felt burning at the tip of my penis with a swollen opening (meatus). This was followed by excruciating pain - like a nail had been hammered into my dick - along with severe testicle pain, bladder, abdominal, lower back and groin pain. Two trips to A&E, 5 different courses of antibiotics and three separate STI tests - and nothing can be found. It's terrible to say, but I was ready to kill myself because the pain was so unbearable. After five months, the pain started to lessen, but I'm still suffering from pain in my urethra/penis and a swollen and red meatus. I feel pain in my balls, dick and lower back when I sit on a hard chair and I've been unable to work for six months. This is such a nasty illness which doctors seem reluctant and unwilling to investigate. They are all too ready to send sufferers away believing they'll never be cured and that it's all in their head.
The purpose of my post is to make contact and see if I can offer support to others and also to talk about what might have triggered it? Like I said, mine started after I got a BJ and it got me wondering if this is some kind of virus, rather than a bacterial infection (as antibiotics seem totally ineffective in treating it, as far as I'm aware)? Keep fighting. There are lots if us out there and together we can get through this.
2 likes, 13 replies
ABC1990 James4267
Hi james, I've had a very similar experience to you, please feel free to PM me if you'd like, as you say, together we'll get through this.
Wiggy79 ABC1990
what did you do to make it feel better
ajs07545 James4267
Hi James!
I am having this same thing ! exactly same thing and its been 8-10 months.
I pain got severe in the 3-4th month and now it has gotton less but not settled.
Feel free to dm
wes14334 James4267
i feel your pain, same thing happened to me after unprotected oral. Cant find what it is, doctors dont care and say its in my head too. Im thinking herpes but still trying to get to the bottom of it.
john927 James4267
iv got Similar symptoms to you mine was of unprotected sex over a year ago and can’t find the cause Iv had 7 sti test 3 for mgen as I’m led to believe it’s really hard to detect and can cause these symptoms Iv had no joy for a year looking at false negative sti but now I’m looking at prostate issues now as i do get shooting pain top of anus
Wiggy79 john927
I also get the sharp pains
bill58205 James4267
hey guys, just wondering, any luck with treatment? or any resolution on what this could be? im in a similar situation
joey2016 bill58205
How many Urologists have you seen.. did they say yours is chronic abacterial prostatitis?
wes14334 joey2016
2 urologists and 3 x GUM docs, also Derm, Gastro and various GPs and general practitioners. All ignorant to the issue. I have an anethesist willing to do a pudendal nerve block so will see. Currently on Pregabalin and acyclovir to see if i can sort my issues out.
Wiggy79 James4267
I’m going through the same exact thing right now do you have any suggestions I’ve had about three rounds of antibiotics it’s gotten a little better but it still hurts
BigWillG James4267
Sad that everyone is going through this but glad that I found this forum. I went through the same exact thing. Oral sex and then 3-4 days later swollen right testicle, pain, gas. I have taken at least 4 or 5 std test later nothing. It was the only time I have actually wished they found something so they could at least give me a shot or something. Dr. is saying it is prostatitis.. The pain went from my testicle to my lower abdomen. Every once in awhile I get what I call severe rounds of prostatitis. Just last week I had pain in the area between anus and balls, tingling in my balls and dick. Lasted for a week. I wish they would come up with some kind of relief for this.
TannerM James4267
Going through the same thing for a few months now. Had so many tests done and the only thing they have found is an inflamed prostate. My symptoms are burning and pain in the urethra that comes and goes. it was super bad a couple months ago, I had the constant urge of needed to pee/felt like I was leaking. The head of my penis also looks blochy sometimes. I have five blister-like bumps that have been there since the symptoms started. Two are now filled with fluid but they have never burst or ulcerated. When I bring it up to my urologist, he does not see anything wrong but they are there. My PCP saw them when I showed them to him. Has anyone received a diagnosis?
michael12274 TannerM
most likely you guys suffer with chronic prostatitis caused by bacteria (e.coli or Enterococcus). Your Urologist could not find anything because he has performed wrong tests all together. You need semen culture test and Stamey's test done ASAP