Oral thrush and dry mouth
Posted , 5 users are following.
Does anybody know if the mouth thrush is in fact a peri menepause symptom? As anybody else experienced this?
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Posted , 5 users are following.
Does anybody know if the mouth thrush is in fact a peri menepause symptom? As anybody else experienced this?
1 like, 8 replies
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Topo14 deb20286
I have had periods of very severe dry mouth and burning of the inside of my mouth. It comes and goes...
deb20286 Topo14
Hi topo14
thanks for replying,it's absolutely driving me mad 😖 Ive got white tongue also comes and goes was just wondering if this is at all a symptom may be brought on by the dry mouth? Ive tried salt water,nystan im due to see the dentist this week 😞
maria101 deb20286
I know my glands in my neck had in large but was told they are normal not sure if they connected to salivary ones
just hoping my mouth return to normal one day.
deb20286 maria101
Hi maria
oh im so glad to hear that i thought something else may be going on thanks for replying 🙂Lets hope we get some relief soon though.i hope you feel better soon too. 🙂
michelle46271 deb20286
Hi Deb
That's one of my worse symptoms. I was diagnosed with burning mouth syndrome and there is nothing they can do. My lips,tongue and jaw burns. My mouth is dry with it but I tend to suck ice lollies which helps. I've had it for 4 months. Odd days now perhaps it is a fraction better. It may take months they told me. I saw a maxofacial specialist.
deb20286 michelle46271
Sorry to hear tha michelle i hope you get some relief real soon its horrible isnt it? Ive not been experiencing it aslong as you ive had it only 4 weeks an already its driving me crazy i get the sore mouth the burning an white tongue it's absolutely horrible my mouths so dry 😣 thank you for replying i hope you feel better soon.🙂
Sochima822 deb20286
deb20286 Sochima822
ive seen a doctor he gave me nystan then a oral gel it went away for a while then came back im seeing the dentist this week maybe he can help well i hope so lol thank you for replying.