Osteoarthritis in big toe and ankle and fingers now

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Hi ladies

Anyone lot of you on here may not know me as I haven't been on for a while.

The last 10 months I've had debilitating symptoms of peri all of which made me think I was going mad. I went on HRT 6 months ago. With tweaking it a bit a lot of things have improved somewhat. However I still have jaw throbbing and face pains,probably stress of it all. Now I have been told I have osteoarthritis in my big toe and ankle and doctor wants me to have a steroid injection in my foot. Also 2 of my fingers are in pain and stiff now so can't move them. I've also got this buzzing,vibrating sensation all over my body with my heart racing and pressure headaches for months and months.

I do think the HRT has helped the anxiety and mood though so I'm living either it.

This is such an awful time of our lives but when we come out of it I'm sure we will be stronger. Take care everyone xxx

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Michelle , you poor thing I sympathise with you as im similar although im in surgical meno . Four thirty am and hip pain has woken me yet again along with the thumping heart and another headache to deal with that I just know will be there all day despite painkillers. Would you mind describing your face pain as I have it too ? I have posted about this before and didn't realise it could be another nasty symptom - I get nasty pains in my cheeckbones, jaw pain and tenderness in the flesh all around my eyes - horrible. I really feel for you this is so monotonous x

    • Posted

      Hi Lou

      The jaw and face pain with the fast heartbeat are my main symptoms now. The burning mouth has eased a lot now as with other things.

      My cheeks and face tingles and all along my jawline burns and throbs all day. Pressure headaches too. I find my mouth doesn't close properly and I'm always thinking about the uneasy and pressure feeling in back of my jaw. The specialist did say I had tmj. We've just got to ride it out i think. Hugs x

  • Posted

    Good morning Michelle

    I hope you managed to get some sleep. It seems like it's one thing after another testing your strength. 

    My husband had a steroid injection in his knee for gout pain and while it hurt going in it has taken the gout pain away. They usually inject an anaesthetic in first. I've had a couple in my elbow for tennis elbow a few years ago.

    Stay strong , remember to breathe, sending you love and hugs xxx

    • Posted

      It definitely is Masie. I will never forget this year that's for sure! I probably will have the steroid injection. I've still got queezie stomach everyday. I'm sure HRT doesn't get rid of every symptom because there have been soo many but it is helping certain things. We have just got to make the best of what we've got. I had about 4 hours sleep so not too bad. I hope you are plodding on ok? Xx

    • Posted

      Yes Michelle, plodding on is a good description. I feel like I'm waiting for the next symptom to arrive. I've not had a good night last night, restless and tummy grumbling. We had a chilli last night so could be that. We just can't tolerate the things we used to enjoy.

      I'm trying to remain positive tho. Still taking the supplements and all flushes and palpitations still gone.(Although sharing a bag of sweets with my granddaughter set them off again) I'll learn one day!

      I've been using the evorel conti patches for a month now and think I've got a bit of my 'get up and go' back, more energy and less anxious.

      My knees are painful and creaky so that is interesting what maria says about sugar and carbs. Crawling on the floor after baby grandchildren doesn't help! Trampoling with older grandchildren this afternoon, I'll be in bed all day tomorrow!

      Enjoy your Sunday xxx

    • Posted

      Hi Masie

      Glad the Evorel conti are helping a bit. I was like you 2 nights ago my tummy was upset after an Italian meal out so hardly any sleep. It's lovely to have grandchildren,I've yet to have any. I am debating if I should cut down on sugar and carbs. It may help with my sore stiff joints. Trouble is I love my food to much. I can't remember did you say you worked? Well enjoy your day with everyone.

      I did Trampolining up to 8 years ago any my daughter and son did it professionally up to 2 years ago. I definitely couldn't see myself doing it now! Take care xx

  • Posted

    Hi michelle, My knees used to swell up and get stiff. The doctor did an x-ray on them . The x-ray showed arthritis in them. I read an article about sugar and inflammation, when I stopped consuming lots sugar and carbs my swelling and stiffness stopped too. I started cooking with tumeric and garlic also. My knees are good as new.

    When I started eating the refined carbs and sugar again, my knees started swelling and hurting again. Now I eat only small amounts of carbs and sugar. When you through peri and menopause, you really have to start eating better. You would be surprise how food effects your symptoms too.

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