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Diagnosed with osteoporosis, but only after I requested a bone density scan.  I would not have found out, until I broke something that is !   It should be offered readily to post menopausal women.

Anyway, weight bearing is supposed to help it, or prevent it - but WRONG !   I have danced for about 20 years, jiving, rock and roll and le roc, but still developed it.   

Am on Alendronic acid tablets, one a week with no side effects yet.  Any tips on what foods, apart from calcium and vitamin D that help ?   Sesame seeds are supposed to be rich in calcium.     I also have a low BMI and am underweight, despite eating chocolate, biccies, cakes, no name it !

This morning for the first time, when I woke every bone in my body ached. OK I know I am 72, but feel very ancient sometimes !

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21 Replies

  • Posted

    "Don't shoot the messenger," as they say, but: if evey bone in your body aches, with no discernible cause, you can't rule out that you are indeed having a side effect from the osteo drug. I suggest you report it to your doctor rather than ignore it. If doctor responds by saying the aching bones must be a coincidence or something along those lines, be very wary. If it were me, I'd discontinue the drug ASAP. Keep in mind that low bone density doesn't necessarily mean bone fragility and doesn't necessarily mean that you will have an osteoporotic fracture. I know that's a difficult uncertainty to live with -- I'm doing so, myself, as I will not take any of these meds, despite bad BMD score -- but uncertainty may be preferable to risking one's health with an osteo drug. Others may weigh in with the other side of this controversy -- and there is definitely a controversy.
  • Posted

    Hi Angela

    It does sound more like a side effect to the drug than the osteoporosis

    Osteoporosis {to my knowledge} doesnt cause pain except when you fracture somthing because of it.....Like me!!!!

    I had to to chase them to get a DEXA done.....I had one done a few years back and was diagnosed with osteopinia {in between healthy bones and osteoporosis}

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    No one did anything about it.....I rang my GP and she said my last scan said rescan in 3 years {approx Dec} this was last Feb so she got me an earlier one.....Yep Osteoporosis.

    As for foods.....try googling foods for osteoporosis and see what comes up

    I was on AA for a month but I was sick for the full day.....I went back and she changed it to the next one up risendrate {I think} I've only had one of those so not sure yet

    Good Luck



    • Posted

      Sorry to hear about your fracture and how long you have had it.

      I have been on AA for about 6 months or more, so wouldn't think it would upset my system after all this time.    After taking a weekly AA I find it makes me incredibly hungry afterwards.   That doesn't matter cos I am underweight anyway.  

       Like everything else in this country, the way the older generation are treated hacks me off.    Be a drug user or alcoholic and you get all the help available.   Pensioners are at the bottom of the pile on most things.    I hope you are soon without your crutches and good luck with the new osteoporosis drug

    • Posted

      Hi Angela

      I agree with you......you wouldnt think there would be side effects after that length of time!!

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      Click here to view image

      Click here to view image

      Yes hope the new drug doesnt have any side effects



  • Posted

    It's simply not the case that the likelihood of side effects from the osteo drugs decreases over time. There have been numerous, recent reports, in reputable sources, attesting to the contrary. In fact, the more catastrophic side effects -- so-called atypical femoral fracture and osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ) -- become MORE frequent as duration of the med treatment increases. The body aches that you mention could be completely unrelated to the AA and be caused by flu or overuse or something else. If they disappear (which I hope they do), that's a plausible conclusion. If they continue, I think it's a mistake to assume that because you've been taking the AA for six months there's probably no relationship. The effects of the bisphosphonate drugs -- both beneficial and adverse -- are cumulative, and they have an exceedingly long half-life.

  • Posted

    Are you on top of magnesium which is needed almost more than calcium? I take much more magnesium citrate or glycinate than a calcium hydroxipatite capsule 500mg.

    Manganese is another mineral needed for bone health.

    I'm 76 and OK with bone health for the most part.....I've been taking higher doses of magnesium for many years, Vit D3 and K2 since 2006 and calcium on and off for a lotta years.

    Sugar is a bone killer.j

    • Posted

      I have flipped through all these replies once more and want to comment on sugar being a bone killer.    No wonder then, cos I am a sugarholic, have been all my life and have just polished off a bar of chocolate.  Bit like shutting the door after the horse has bolted I fear !  

      What is the best make of magnesium to take ?    My nearest Boots only had tablets and I have heard that capsules are better tolerated than pills.   

      This morning was my AA day and mentioned before that it makes me very hungry an hour after taking it.  Anybody else noticed any side effects ?


  • Posted

    angela: I have had many bone density tests and the physicians were amazed when they all rose!  It was put down to my using natural progesterone cream. You can buy this online and it might help you and is worth a try being a natural cream. Try changing the diet to eating more red meat, pasta and potatoes. I don't now about Alendronic acid tablets. I have had a course of hyaluronic injections which I know are natural so no harm can be caused. I also danced my way through the years and it doesn't help in preventing arthritis of any sort. Try drinking a lot of milk and ask for a blood test for Vitamin D specifically.  And do get some natural progesterone cream. You can rub a little in daily wherever you wish.  Best of luck and kind regards.
    • Posted

      Milk is not a great source of Vit D as "they" say.....I drink no milk...Use coconut milk in my coffee and when I make a smooothie... Dairy is a high allergan group of foods.

      White foods turn to sugar so as I see it that is not good advice.

      Magnesium is critical and I use mag glycinate and mag citrate and other forms as well,,,oxide is the least effective and causes more too loose bowels.

      There are mag complex forms too.

      Manganese is also a mineral known to support bone health....Do a search there...I'm taking a ligament/tendon product with higher manganese in it....it's a food based supplement to strengthen ligaments.

    • Posted

      Hi Joy......who are "they" that say this.

      I'm quite happy to keep drinking skimmed milk until I get evidence to the contrary. Lots of sites/medical people/ etc advise milk as part of the diet....not saying anything wrong with coconut milk.....I know nothing about that


    • Posted

      "they" are certainly NOT the dairy industry.....They are the alternative healing community.Long ago I read about the fact that we humans are the only living beings that drink dairy milk after weaned from Mothers milk.

      How many adult animals are fed dairy milks....NONE.

      If it works for you, fine.

      For the original poster, also keep in mind on the sugar worlds, cancer cells love sugar environment. This tidbit of info, was my wake up call.... Who wants to deal with the possibility of cancers?

      Just a side note, when I heard a lecture on Pycnogenol back in 1995, the researchers presenting th lecture said it "MAY" prevent cancer....that was 19 yrs ago and so far so good.....I now take mostly grape seed extract which make the same claims as Pycnogenol.....

      In recent years I've seen info that some cancer research hospitals are using these 2 in their cancer research....Mayo Clinic, City of Hope, Univ of Maryalnd Medical all have info on these with their cancer research.

      Cancer is a huge industry....That's why we need to work on our health to keep healthy

  • Posted

    Hi angela192 - I am 72 also and have eaten loads of calcium loaded foods - always preferred a lump of cheese to a chocolate bar.  I have eaten plenty of dark coloured vegetables and taken Vitamin D tablets and all round have a pretty healthy diet.  I have done exercise and yet I have still 'out of the blue' been diagnosed with severe osteoporosis and have 4 compression fractures in my spine.

    I thought I had pulled a muscle in my back and visited an osteopath for 4 months but there was no improvement, still had a painful back.  I contacted my GP who sent me for an X-ray and then I received the staggering news that I had severe osteoporosis etc.  I have had a DEXA (bone density) scan and tried various drugs to relieve the pain, but nothing agreed with me.  I have had an Aclasta infusion rather than take medications.  I am still in pain and am waiting for my appointment with a pain specialist in early December.  I think the Aclasta has started strengthening my bones but it is the compression fractures that worry me the most.  Good luck.

    • Posted

      Sunflower do not despair! Stem Cell therapy is on the horizon and may help you enormously. I am like you for medications through the system. I don't know if FENTANYL patches would help you but its worth trying anything for that pain you suffer. I can't take many pain killers either but the patches just send a message to the brain and release a little morphine into the blood stream. We all have morphine in our bodies so don't worry too much. Start very low dose just to see that you have no adverse effects. Ask your doctor. Mine didn't suggest them but I asked him and they certainly alleviate the pain but not altogether. I know that natural progesterone may also help and you can find out about getting a jar of that as its 100% natural too. Do ask him also about Cell Stem Therapy. Again natural as your own plasma. Keep your pecker up and don't go negative as there is certainly something out there that can and will help you. Pain requires so much patience and time before you find what suits you. I am taking acupuncture for two fractured cuffs in shoulders. There is so much available out there now and you just need time to find what is the best course for you to follow. Good you going to a pain specialist in December and perhaps he can help you enjoy Christmas festivities. I do hope so.  Take care.
    • Posted

      Thanks for your suggestions, they are very helpful and I I shall certainly look into all your ideas.

      Sorry to hear about the fractured cuffs in your shoulders - must be painful.  I have osteoarthritis in my knees and shoulders and have cortisone injections through our hospital - the problem with my knees is that the patella on each leg has slipped out of place.

      I'm very hopeful that my pain specialist will be able to prescribe something to help my osteoporosis.  I have visited him for many years since having an op after which I developed a large haematoma which was removed the year after.

      Good luck.

    • Posted

      Sunflower - Snap!  I have it in the knees too. And was a dancer! I bought a special patella support brace from FIRSTAID4SPORT... Take a look. It is like a dog collar and very flexible. It is to prevent the patelle from shifting and causing pain. It might help you. It's the Patella  'PUSH'  brace and I sent for it from UK.  I took acupuncture for the shoulders but no good although it always works for low back pains and sciatica.  Hope you get help with your pain as without it life is so much sweeter isn't it.  
    • Posted

      I'm very very cautious of those steroid injections, as these break down our bones even more....maybe one gets a little relief but longterm more damage.

      I posted above about the bone support I'm faithful with. Cut out sugars...

    • Posted

      I'll do some research on cortisone injections.  I do not use sugar, unless I am at friends' homes where there is more than likely sugar in the dessert,  

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