Other knee hurting

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Had a left tkr 3 mos ago. Still having a lot of pain when walking or standing too long. Both knees had arthritis but the left was worse. Now my right knee is hurting so badly way worse then before. I'm only 52 and have kids to keep up with and work as a nurse . Feeling so frustrated . Thinking maybe the right knee is hurting so much because I'm walking differently now . Had a cortisone shot a few weeks ago with no help. Can't take anymore time off to have another knee replacement . Any suggestions ?

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Anna,

    ?I had my left knee replaced 16 weeks ago. A month before surgery my GP got me to come off anti-inflamatories to see if made any difference as I was on 6 different pain killers. When I came off them i noticed  my right knee being sore. I had to do back on them and was told th oa had started in my right knee too.

    ?After surgery when I started to reduce and come off the meds my right knee is achey, gets sore in exactly same spot other one started. Consultant knows and is keeping an eye on it with view to replace it next year. I don'y think my boss will appreciate me being off agian too soon. I'm 50 and have three kids but are 21,23,25 still at home and very lazy, unless their dad gets them to do anything.

    ?I'm still doing my physio and will d to try and strengthen it in preparation for surgery. Let me know how you get on. Take care x

  • Posted

    I feel for you Anna. My left knee was worse than my right, and was diagnosed with AO 9 years before my surgery (October 2014 - I was 50 years old). The right knee wasn't that far behind. I was concerned that having surgery on one would put too much stain on the other, so I asked to have them done at the same time. Fortunately (?) I was living in India and the doctor didn't even bat an eyelash when I asked, only asked how soon I wanted to get new knees. It was hard work, but the knees had to work together to make it happen. I wish there was some good news to share about what you can do as your await the next replacement. I did find a gel that really works, though I didn't find it until after my surgery, so I don't know how it will play out for OA...bone on bone doesn't leave much room for relief. It's Voltaren Gel and is available only by prescription.


  • Posted

    Hi Anna, your story sounds a lot like mine - poor you! 

    I had OA in both knees, but more severe and more painful in the right. I was 48 when I was scheduled for TKR, which I had March 2015. Within weeks, my left knee was horribly painful, and I had to go back to my Surgeon. He Xrayed, and told me it had deteriorated badly and was now in far worse shape than the right one had been pre-op. I expected a bit of a battle to be honest, as all the way through my journey with the right knee I was told "youre too young". But that was by the Registrars, not The Great Oracle (my Surgeonbiggrin He told me it was unacceptable for me to have that level of pain, especially at my age, and within 3 omnths (and within 7 months of my first TKR) the left knee was replaced. And Im so glad it was. The difference is massive. Ok I have a problem with the right one, but thats a different story.....

    What can you do? Well, the first thing is to work at getting your quads and muscles supporting your knees as strong as possible - you REALLY have to work at it, but it helps to take some of the strain. I also used Kinesiology Taping, out of sheer desperation to get some relief from the relentless pain. A couple of ladies on here tried it as well, and had good results. Just Google it, and have a look at the YouTube videos showing how to tape effectively - it may just help. Ultimately though, you probably know it'll end up having to be replaced. Unfortunately knees dont care if you can or cant take time off work, they demand attention! I know its difficult, and I know the thought of more surgery so soon is scary, but you do find the strength to get through it. But try out the exercises and Taping, see if you can buy yourself some time - although the longer you leave it, the harder the surgery.....the scar on my 2nd knee is about 3 inches longer than the 1st, as it was in such bad shape eek 

    Good luck and message me if you need any advice.xx

    • Posted

      Hi Terri, I have read this and will try some of your tips too, I had my left replaced 16 weeks ago and at moment right is getting worse, going to go down same routes again/ x
  • Posted

    Sounds very familiar!  Right TKR a year ago and left one deteriating.  I came of all my meds probably 6 months ago but then realised just how much they were working on my left knee. So went back on them and I know I will have to another TKR on that knee. I'm 50 , will also struggle with time off work and not looking forward to another, although I do know how much better it will be.

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