Ouch the boobs

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Today I have the most uncomfortable heavy breasts and keep getting a pain at the outside of my right boob. Have checked them over on obvious jumps or bumps. Anyone else suffer from breast pain?? Any advice?? I'm peri menopause with irregular periods could this be another wonderful symptom?? Thanks in advance ladies. Sheena xxx

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40 Replies

  • Posted

    That should have said no obvious lumps... Bloody predictive text haha xx
  • Posted

    Hi sheena yes sheena sore breasts are. amongst lots of other symptoms. Feels like I have all the symptoms of premenopause going.
    • Posted

      Me too. I'm in the process of changing my gp to hopefully someone more knowledgeable, understanding and supportive.

      I've had haywire periods since this time last year, along with about 23 of the 66 symptoms. I'm taking vitamin d, e, evening primrose and cod liver oil. Don't really want to go down hrt if I can get away with it. Do you take anything for sore boobs?? X

    • Posted

      No sheena went to the gynecologist and they would not put me on hrt. told me to go to the doctors and get antiperspirants cause I get really low days mood swings crying feel am going mad.
    • Posted

      That's all my gp would offer me, I'm not depressed I'm in peri menopause but they wouldn't listen even though my bloods agreed. Why would they not give you hrt?? Any reason??

      What did you gp say? Have you been diagnosed. Mine took ages felt like no one believed me. Then that I was obviously seriously ill. Eventually saw a nurse who listened and did my bloods two months running and confirmed I was peri.

      I just come on here for advice and support now. Xxx

    • Posted

      Still waiting for blood results. I think cause I have the coil in which helped with my virginal dryness that was herrnidous the pain and discomfort but the coils helps that now.

  • Posted

    Hi sheena what are your other sypthoms of menopause i have a underactive thyroid which im on meds for also periods all over the place im waiting to have a ultrasound scan on the 7 th feb which im worried sick about
    • Posted

      Irregular periods, bone pain (vitamin d low), greasy hair, no interest in sex, mood swings, hot all the time, flare up of psoriasis, dry eyes, sore mouth, back ache, doom and gloom thoughts, worry and anxiety, general fatigue, sore joints. It's just a roller coaster of ever changing symptoms, mental and physical. I never have 2 weeks the same. What about you?? X

  • Posted

    And now I'm sitting in tears because my hurricane is away till Friday, I'm dealing with 2 hormonal teenage girls and I'm obviously dying as I have breast cancer..... The mental problems of this peri menopause are horrendous. I've got health anxiety and it elevates every time another symptom comes around...... Aaarrrggghhh!!!!! I need a bath (with the door shut ) some comfort food and my bed. Squishy hugs to everyone xxx

  • Posted

    My husband not a hurricane haha
    • Posted

      Same here hubby away got a hormonal daughter am all over the place. Look forward going to work as my work colleagues make me laugh there a great bunch.
    • Posted

      Ditto, it's the laughs that keep me sane I have awesome work mates and friends. Big hugs to you xxx

  • Posted

    The best thing for this arnica. We use to recommend it to the women in the clinic.
    • Posted

      It comes in cream or gel, I recommend the gel. Rub it into the area where it hurts. I used it through out all my minor aches & pains on my arms and breast. X

    • Posted

      It's called arnica montana.

    • Posted

      Thanks for advice you have a lot of knowledge I notice your comments on other posts. Much appreciated x

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