Out of my body....
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Hi All...I’m a normally healthy busy mom & wife. 50yrs in fall. I’ve now missed 3 consecutive periods. In early Feb I got a flu from one of my kids. It passed, but since than my body has crashed. I’m overwhelmingly anxious, body sweats, can’t keep legs still & have muscle aches, complete sleep disturbances, racing brain, sadness and really basically a hard time functioning, UTI twice also. Bad digestive issues, ranging from diarrhea to constipation. Have lost almost 15lbs in 4wks. I’m not a heavy person. 5’3” now 110lbs.
Multiple blood/stool tests show clean of infections, bacteria, parasites. Colonoscopy/Endoscopy clean also. PLEASE can anyone relate with this...I’m so out of my own body & mind. It’s caused me great anxiety...😔 is this Perimenopause!!???
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Roseburg t74985
I’m not a frequenter poster here, but I wanted to reply to your question. Interestingly, I had a very bad virus a year ago that caused ongoing diarrhea for months which led to weight loss and like you, I’m already thin. After numerous stool tests, ultra sound, endoscopy, etc, all being negative we realized I’d probably just had a bad virus which threw off my gut bacteria terribly. It took several months for things to settle back down. And the gut-brain connection is a real, scientifically proven thing. What affects our gut affects our brain, and vice versa. 90% of our serotonin is in our gut, and if that’s been haywire, it just makes sense that you’re feeling emotionally upset. Both of your “brains” are!
Now, here’s the interesting thing. I’d been menopausal for 5 years and while this intestinal virus was causing symptoms, I started to feel like I was going to get a period. And low and behold I did. I have used a very low dose bioidentical for quite some time and it never had caused anything such as this. It simply seemed as if my own hormones kicked up a terrible fuss in response to that viral infection. I had things checked out with gynecologist and she said that contrary to what people think, the ovaries don’t “die” they just operate at a lower level. Later I asked my gastro doctor about the random period and she said fluctuations between gut and hormones can be linked.
The moral of the story is that you are probably (id say almost definitely but I’m not a doctor) in peri menopause. The symptoms you’re describing sound hormonal AND as if your gut bacteria is upset. If you’re being treated for UTI’s with antibiotics, you’re surely dealing with reduced gut flora. First thing I’d recommend is a good probiotic; not just off a shelf. Get a brand that has been kept refrigerated and vetted by a clinic. I like HLC high potency, which can be ordered thru Amazon. There are other good brands as well. Start there. Eat full fat yogurts, reduce sugars where you can. Drink Kombucha to replenish your good bacteria’s, but again, watch sugar. Some brands add more than others.
My my suspicion is you’re in a funk from gut bacteria upset, antibiotic use(?) and hormonal shifts. These are not life threatening, and remind yourself that you are clearly healthy at the core; and this will heal in time.❤️
gailannie t74985
t74985 gailannie
lana07071 t74985
t74985 lana07071
Roseburg t74985
i attempted a reply to your question over three hours ago, and it has yet to show up. Apparently it needs to be approved by a moderator; not sure why- (perhaps because I mentioned a supplement by brand name?)
Anyway, I’m hopeful it’s posted soon, as I had a similar experience as you’re going through and wanted to share what I learned about it. Hope you’re having better days soon❤️
tina00239 t74985
I would say most definitely yes you are going into menopause. It sounds like you are really struggling to cope so I would give your dr a written list of all of the symptoms you are suffering with and how severely. The dr will probably offer you some meds and if you are as bad as I think you are, you may well need hrt and various vitamin supplements to boost the hrt. I' ve just hooked up again with an old friend who told me she has gone right through the menopause with no problems at all but shes heard how bad it can be for some of us. At least there is always someone on here who will care and share with you and try to support you as best that they can. Try not to panic hun, hormones are horrid things and too many or not enough of even one can cause havoc with our minds and bodies. Try to keep as calm as possible as anxiety will just make you feel so much worse. Hope you find something to help you soon hun. Take care, here if you need me! XXX
t74985 tina00239
tina00239 t74985
t74985 tina00239
leslie95604 t74985
Hello t.
From January 1 until last week I had been in complete agony. This is not an exaggeration. I can not believe the torture I endured. I was convinced I was dying.
I had a hunch it may have been hormone related but attributed it to something called "protracted withdrawal" as my symptoms began shortly after getting off of antidepressants I had been on for 14 years. I had been bedridden for these two last years and struggled with suicidal thoughts because of the level of anguish I was constantly in.
Back in December, 2017, I decided to have my hormones checked by ordering an at home urine test. The test revealed that I was very hormonally imbalanced. I took the steps with a gyn and compounding pharmacy to get onto bioidentical hormone replacement.
I started the therapy one week ago and it is an absolute miracle.
By the second dose all anxiety and depression was absolutely gone.
I no longer feel hot and cold simultaneously.
I no longer have crashing fatigue.
I no longer have hot flashes.
I am still not sleeping through the night but just today I spoke with my Dr. and will be increasing my nighttime dosage to see if that helps my insomnia.
I am post menopausal and had a partial hysterectomy in 2002. Shortly thereafter I was prescribed antidepressants because I began to experience panic attacks. I knew nothing about perimenopause so I went through it while on antidepressants. Any peri symptoms I had while taking antidepressants I thought were just side effects from them. Now I know different. I believe the antidepressants may have actually caused my hormonal imbalance, or at the least exacerbated it.
Bioidentical hormone replacement not only helps to restore your levels but plays a key role in protection against a myriad of conditions that hormones prevent.
I can't express how grateful I am to those who have dedicated their time and effort in research and development of BHRT.
You do not have to suffer. I don't know where you are in the US but I want to recommend The Happy Hormone Cottage in Ohio if you decide to go this direction. I live in Washington state and worked with them because they are at the leading edge of this therapy and use state of the art lab testing to create the exact formula for your unique situation.
I hope you are encouraged and will take the steps to regain you vitality.
Hugs to you hun. You don't need to suffer any longer.
tina00239 t74985
I myself am in an at risk group for hrt. But when my hormones crashed last December, my dr came to see me at home, saw the state I was in and said sometimes the pros outweigh the cons and you need hrt and you need it now. If anything happens because of the hrt such as breast or ovarian cancer, we'll cross that bridge if or when we come to it. There is no way I could function without the hrt so I go for regular check ups have full bloods done every few weeks have scans and ultra sounds done to keep a close eye on anywhere that could develop problems. Hrt helps but I still get alot of symptoms and some quite extreme. Pills being swapped for patches and my dr is looking into BHRT for me via a consultant endocrinologist. He is also looking into the combined contraceptive pill and morning after pill as these carry less risk and can still help the menopause. Get your dr to send you to an endocrine specialist and get some advice from them. I trust you are taking good meno vitamin supplements as these are crucial for you with or without hrt. I hope this helps you. This is a horrendous process for some of us and all we can do to help one another is care and share our experiences good or bad so we can each make an informed choice of a treatment that may be of help to us.XXX
lana07071 t74985
I am going through all of this. I also didn't want hormones due to it's breast cancer connection, also in my family...I am similar, about 5'2" and not at all over weight, healthy, busy etc. After various weird symptoms and medical checks, including biopsies I developed anxiety, so unlike me...my Dr eventually convinced me to take a very low dose of a slow release anti anxiety pill. It helped but not entirely and now I want to get off it and it's not easy to, but I will. I did a few sessions of cognitive behavioral therapy with mindfulness at a good psychologist and continue daily on my own. I would definitely first try this before any meds if I could redo it. If after a while you are still suffering then a low dose may be needed. Best wishes. Do something don't wait and suffer.