Out of the ordinary events running up to my Rash Appearance
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My single \"Herald\" lesion appeared about 10 days befor the 2ndry rash, upper thight and grew till I worried it was Ringworm. I experienced no itchyness but worried that I had ocntracted it from 1 of 4 possibly changes in my environment / routine during the period running up to showing symptoms.
1) Having a hormone coil / IUD fitted 8 week peviously and possible reaction to the change in hormones levels (although typical experience of this has been acne / similar)
2) I've started eating a handful of mixed nuts daily over last 2 weeks and wondered if I was experiencing a skin allergy.
3) 2 months ago, I had someone and his lovely dog stay at mine, and the area she hung around the most is where my yoga mat lies out on the carpet for days on end. Rolling it to put it away means the down side of the yoga mat then comes into contact with the up side, so I wondered if I had become too intimate with my carpets.
4) Working excessive overtime over last week and possible fatigue / stress mentally and physically.
Visting my GP, I was offered that there is no known cause and no investigatory questions were asked which surprised me as I though that capturing of more data to submit online should surely continue the compiling of data to see if there are common elements in those who show symptoms of this.
After seeing pictures and being 48 hours into the 2ndry (mostly stomach and chest, 1-2 dry lesions on back) rash featuring, I'm very gratefuly that so far mine is far less severe than other folks.
What a bizarre 'rash'. Intriguing. I encourage folks to post changes in their lifestyle, there's gotta be an explanation to likely causes.
Take care.
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both times I've had it it has been about 5m after having had a baby - hormones, and possible vitamin a deficiency or another mineral deficiency.
I have also had a sore throat right before the herald patch appeared - the hearld patch has been on my right hip both times, looking just like ringworm.
Like many people I initially thought insect bite(s), ecsema or ringworm or (as I work in Tropical Medicine Institution) something far more sinister!
I am interested to note the hormone changes theory: I have developed my PR immediately after stopping taking my contraceptive pill and I have had really tender nipples at the same time as my symptoms first appeared. I wouldn't say I was suffering from excessive fatigue or stress particularly though. It's fascinating isn't it?!
My rash isn't too bad at present so I'm crossing my fingers it won't get any worse! I normally have to cover up in spring/summer anyway due to extreme photosensitivity (the sun gives me a rash) so having to be covered up in winter too seems quite unfair!
Maybe I'll give the anti-dandruff shampoo a try...
(one of the unlucky ones whose face has been effected)
my big change that has happened lately is ive SNAPPED MY COLLARBONE IN HALF!!! did it 4 weeks ago and the herald spot appeared about a week later i think, though was quite distracted..
my bones have overlapped so i have to go back to the hopsital too see whats what... i think mine may have been caused by stress!!!
soon as i can lay down again i am going to try sunbeds has anyone else found being run down in some way has triggered it?? i can't really see how it's caught if it's a non-contagious virus...
i think i am being unfairly targeted by my body :P
another thing is i am around horses a lot as well as swimming (so being exposed to chlorine) so am a little perplexed that when i slow down i get this obscure virus!!!
so yes! has anyone else had something unusual happenaround the same time?? possibly stopping being exposed to usual stimulants for allergies..?
(one of the unlucky ones whose face has been effected)
my big change that has happened lately is ive SNAPPED MY COLLARBONE IN HALF!!! did it 4 weeks ago and the herald spot appeared about a week later i think, though was quite distracted..
my bones have overlapped so i have to go back to the hopsital too see whats what... i think mine may have been caused by stress!!!
soon as i can lay down again i am going to try sunbeds has anyone else found being run down in some way has triggered it?? i can't really see how it's caught if it's a non-contagious virus...
i think i am being unfairly targeted by my body :P
another thing is i am around horses a lot as well as swimming (so being exposed to chlorine) so am a little perplexed that when i slow down i get this obscure virus!!!
so yes! has anyone else had something unusual happenaround the same time?? possibly stopping being exposed to usual stimulants for allergies..?[/quote:ad1887b032]
[b:ad1887b032]Things that where different before being diagnosed with PR...[/b:ad1887b032]
My first lifestly change. 3monthes ago, January 2009, clearly b4 any symptoms of PS rash my partner and i decide to move from the big city on the west coast, to his families home and property in the east coast. I will leave my job my family and friends to support my partner and live a seemingly normal comfortable life in the country. Minus work, stress, pollution noise and all the things that go with city life.
But before I GO,
After completing all my severence duties canceling bill payments, notice to work friend’s family, the land lord, the big storage move, I begin to considering my options and new things to occupy time for my new life!
I have become responsible for cleaning out TWO old dusty 25+ year old storage containers. I was surprised, not being super affected by the containers. The cleaning and sorting of these containers last about 8hours in total over a 10 day period.
This period comes 1 week before i decide to train for my first fitness competition and notice small patch and eventual brake out of PS over my torso back neck and inner arm.
I change my diet in preparation for a fitness competition I am 5weeks
Out. I begin drinking 4 liters of water a day, recommended by training coach. My exercise program is quite vagarious. I notice a small patch at my bra line in the first week.
I have a visitor come to stay for one week; I am 4weeks out from my fitness competition.
My visitor was a bit sneezy and coughy at the time. She explains how itchy she gets most nights on a regular basis. On the day before she leaves, she shows me an unusual skin blemish on her left arm, maybe from scratching maybe a rash..??
3 days after she is gone, i noticed a spread of tiny bumps on my stomach and several popping around my lower back. She and i where not in close contact for the week she visited, so i had no real suspicions of catching anything from her.
3weeks to my fitness competition, I am still training in hopes this will clear up soon. At 3 weeks out I am diagnosed with PS and offered no real treatment, other then waiting it out. In the mean time i am using 99% alovera gel organic label external use and alovera juice for drinking. I use this for 2 weeks.
I am now 1 week to my competition the use of alovera gel externally seems to have dried and smoothed my rash now i need to fade the areas and reduce the visual appearance. Any suggestions!
I did start eating nuts before the rash appeared and was told by my GP that it had nothing to do with that, I cannot believe there is nothing to help me, I cannot stop stractching and i feel awful and run down, i have been given piraton and a cream to help the itching, it is covering my body by about 75% today and I first had the spots on Sunday - which is 8 days.
The first time I got it a month before my wedding!! So I would say stress was a HUGE factor.
Also, before I got PR the first time I was getting TONNES of cold sores so I started taking double doses of Vitamin C. That stopped the cold sores BUT then weeks later I got PR.
Now this second time (exactly one year later) I have been taking a vitamin when I feel a cold sore coming. So its stops it. BUT weeks later again I am getting PR all over again.
Hmmm could it be from suppressing my cold sores that PR comes out??
I am attempting to gain weight (am slightly thin at the moment) in the form of muscle mass, and so I started on a more protein-rich diet and substantially increased the amount of physical exercise I was getting (mostly in the form lifting weights and core exercises).
1) With my diet, I started to consume a great deal more nuts, seeds, and protein-rich grains (almonds, sunflower seeds, quinoa).
2) The herald patch appeared the day after a vigorous workout, which lead me to originally believe it was from slight dehydration (I often get rough patches of dry skin that last a day or so). I didn't think much of it and continued with my exercise regime About 3 days later, the smaller red marks started appearing on my abdomen - which is an area that I had been working on, which then lead me to think it might be something heat-related (there is such thing as a \"workout rash\" but this is only supposed to last 30 or so minutes)...
3) Stress may be involved (I'm currently in the process of immigrating to the United States; martial difficulties, etc.), but I don't believe this would do anything more specific than weaken the immune.
He has been given some cream and is lathering himself with it every day which has had some effect and reduced the rash somewhat. I am off to get him some milk-thistle and am going to give him echinacia to boost his immune system. The use of bio-oil is great for getting rid of blotchy skin tone so may get him to try this aswell.
My heart felt best wishes to you all, as this is certainly an unpleasant complain. good luck all x
the rash appeared approx 3 weeks later and coincided with 2 things....
1. starting a new brand of contraceptive pill (possibly supportingt he hormone theory)
2. a friend being involved in a bad accident (the stress theory perhaps?).
I have it from face to knees and the itching is horrendous....cant seem to see an end to it and its really getting me down! will definitiely give the head and shoulders trick a try as nothing else is working!
I got the lesion in France whilst visisting parent, and thought it was a bite, boom, 10 days later i have the secondary rash!
I think the most probable cause for me has to be stress! The two weeks before i got the lesion, i went through a torturous process of having to reapply for my job... Still waiting to hear back by the way!
I will start using the H&S, but there is no way i will be trying the sunbeds! I would rather have a spotty torso than look like some kind of p00fy lothario!
God help the world if i have to turn into a sunbed junkie and then get skin cancer!