Ovarian cyst and crushing back pain, anyone?

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I'm 42 year old female. Started having sorta piercing back ache at the particular spot at the base of spine, where hip bone meets the spine, on the left side. This started 2 months ago. Then I was due to have my period in the 1St week of Nov, but it came around 17th Nov, almost 2 weeks late. Then it was a never ending thing, 2wice I bled very very heavily so much so that my clothes, bedding was soaked and I had to change everything. Then this last Saturday 8th of dec I started bleeding so much that I almost fainted and had to be rushed to an emergency. There the on duty doc gave me transamic acid injection to stop the bleeding. She ordered blood cbc with esr and beta hcg (I don't know y she ordered for this particular test, since I'm not sexually active).

I had various tests done on 17th Nov 3 weeks prior to going in to an emergency. My Haemoglobin was 12.2, esr 20(which as per my lab ws normal) and slightly high platelet count 481. Now fast frwd to Dec 8th, my hb dropped to 10 from 12.2 and platelet count had risen up to 530 and esr 32.

In an usg the radiologist discovered a 2.6*1.9 cm simple cyst. My gynecologist said it's really small doesn't need any laproscopy or needs to be operated, such a small cysts are quite common.

All this time for past 2.5 months my back ache never went away. And it's getting worse, so much so that its effecting my daily life very badly. What I want to know is that has anyone else had such a severe back ache with an ovarian cyst? Over the counter pain killers aren't really doing much for me.

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    sorry you have been dealing with this. i also dealt with this. i had a transvaginal ultrasound they discovered uterine fibroids. i had them removed and only bleed heavy once in a while now. your situation sounds the same i would tell your gyno to check for fibroids. also if you drink caffeine stop, it makes the bleeding so much worse. Best wishes

    • Posted

      Tricia thanks for sharing ur experience sweetheart. my doc said to have another usg in 2 weeks time. she gave me norethisterone which seem to have stopped the bleeding but since it gave me such a bad diarrhoea just only after 2 tablets that I had to stop taking it. I will be going for a second opinion soon hopefully. the most worrying thing for me is having indigestion, like even if I'm drinking plain water it comes bk up my throat (it seems to be one of the prime symptoms of ovarian cancer) swelling on one leg(right side) foot and vaginal lip also. unfortunately no doc would explain in detail the difference of symptoms between cyst, tumor and a fibroid. Google isn't much of a help either, so I posted here to know if someone facing indigestion, acne and lower limb swelling with simple ovarian cyst or not.

    • Posted

      hey, a cyst and fibroid are both usually 99.9% non cancerous a cyst us usually fluid filled and are very common on overies. mine come and go. Some cysts can contain more solid material but are still non cancerous. those cysts however need to be removed if they grow too big. a fibroid is filled with harder fibrous tissue, depending on their location they can cause all of your above mentioned symptoms. if the bleeding is too crazy and causes anemia or disrupts your life the fibroid can be removed. a tumor is a scary word but is also just a term for a solid mass (could be a fibroid or fibrose cyst. or other non cancerous tissue mass) .Your indigestion is most likely caused from your anxiety over all of this,

  • Posted

    I feel like im reading about myself. I have a similar size cyst which is causing severe back pain. It's unbelievable how something so small can cause so much pain.

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