Ovarian Cyst and Uterine Fibromas, anyone?
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I have had a uterine biopsy due to return of the period after 14 months of none. Biopsy was negative for c. I previously, just before period had a trans vag and they found two small fibromas. Now I just had a follow up trans vag, three months later. They found the same two, which very slightly grew, still small (2cm) and a NEW one, also small. They also found an 8mm clear cyst on my left ovary. I still have to see my gynie with these results. The technician, who is very experienced (my two drs told me that she was great), told me that the bottom line is that I have nothing to be concerned about. I read up a bit and saw that menopausal women with ovarian cysts often get C125 blood test. I am scared of having to hear that I need this. I am so tired of all these tests and screenings. Been a year of them now. Obviously if I have to I will. Does anyone have such expreiences and what was done? Thanks. I will have a mammo and breast US in a few weeks and am basically a wreck from screening, waiting screening waiting... I know I should be glad that so far all seems fine. It is the uncontrollable overthinking and anxiety that wack me out.
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jane5216 lana07071
Hi Lana, my heart goes out to you though I can't help you medically. I only had 2- 3 months of test, waiting, tests etc and that was exhausting enough. Be very,very kind to yourself - lots of treats that make you feel good and try to avoid the treats that end up making us feel bad (alcohol, chocolate etc etc). Have you tried anything like meditation or yoga? I find they really help me to get mind and body feeling something like normal again.
You will come through this and at some point it will all stop, so hold on to that thought. And stay optimistic if you can - so far so good and also it's positive that you are being seen and investigated early on. Most of these tests are to rule things out and the vast majority turn out to be clear.
Sending you a huge virtual hug, Jane xx
lana07071 jane5216
bobbysgirl lana07071
I'm off for a trans vag today. I get them every six months to monitor cysts and fibroids that I have had for years. My CA125 is slightly raised - but then I had endometriosis for years and that can give high readings.
I'd be lying if I said it doesn't concern me and I may, eventually, have to have a hysterectomy.
Why haven't I gone down that road already? My mum had a hysterectomy for cysts, it really knocked her about and as I'm a carer for her and, increasingly, for my OH I can't afford the time off. The other reason is a good friend of mine had one and they f'd up - she now wears a colostomy bag.
I think I'll put it off a bit longer, thanks very much.
2cm is tiny, my sister had one MUCH bigger - same story - but her doctor is more laid-back. He said wait, see and monitor - it's gone on it's own.
lana07071 bobbysgirl
thanks Bobbysgirl. I cant bear the thought of having to do the c125 and awaiting results. I get so anxious. But it seems likely tht this is what my gynie will do.
bobbysgirl lana07071
Just remember, even if the numbers are slightly raised - it doesn't mean anything. One Gynae told me they only start to take notice if the number is over (I think) 35 and even then you have a way to go before there is real concern. If you don't have any other PERSISTANT symptoms, you should be fine.
I know it is easy to say and harder to do, but worrying doesn't help - it just makes you ill in other ways.
Go back to your yoga. I'd join you but a shoulder problem put paid to my yoga classes, God I miss them!
lana07071 bobbysgirl
pinkcatfairy lana07071
Dear lana
Because of family history (aunt ovarian), sister breast cancer before thirty, I was having yearly tests, ca125 blood test and transvaginal. One time they said my ca125 level was raised and this worried me greatly, it actually spoilt one Christmas as I had to wait so long for re test. The second one was OK and I believe a number of things can raise it, they did say I had a simple cyst which was quite big and then it went down. I felt that I couldn't go through the worry every year so I opted to have ovaries out, pretty drastic I know, but I just couldn't face the worry every time x
lana07071 pinkcatfairy
Oh my gosh. That is so worrying... I cannot imagine. So sorry. I often feel like I should have all my female parts removed to prevent all these screenings and worries, but in the meantime I wont! Thanks for replying. It helps me and others who may encounter all this.
I called my Gynie and she is so nice she told me to come on in right away and she will look at the results with me. So.. My hormone blood tests showed that I am menopausal (dunno why I got a period in August). The Trans vag, she said the three fibromas are okay, nothing to be concerned about. Aboutt he clear ovarian cyst of 8mm, sh said it is so small it is barely considered a cyst, and it is clear, probably related to the period I had, the ole ovary tried to release one more egg and there werent enough hormones to get it out of the follicle so a tiny cyst developed. She gave me a prescription for C125 just cause that is what the books say to do, but not to be worried, to feel relaxed and free of concern. Even if it is high, she said it could be from all kinds of other reasons, including the fibroma, diverticulitis, and other stuff. And then she said we will do another Trans vag in three months and then in six months and then in a year. Just to be very overly cautious.
Thank you all, also the PMsgs that I got, for being there for me. I hope to be there for others when needed. we are all sisters
Kerry, thanks especially, love to you, and know you are in my prayers.
kerry_89290 lana07071
What a relief my friend xxx God bless us all xxx thank you for your support 😘😘